Chapter 16.

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I'd been running things for two days now and it wasn't as bad as I thought it had been, we hadn't heard any news from my father or the wolf committee. People in the pack had gotten used to me and begun to accept the change in leadership people had even come to me to ask for permission in moving into their old house once it gets rebuild something my father had denied them along with rebuilding it.

The houses Cole had rebuilt before getting help people had started to move into painting the rooms how they wanted them before the pack helped move people from their houses, while the others were coming along nicely with more and more people joining in to help each day.

 Mum said this was the first time she had seen the pack act like a pack in years helping each other out coming together for the better.

Stepping outside of the pack house I walk over to the white canopy taking a seat on the bench under it thinking about the dream I had last night and all the others I have had since finding out about my fate.

"I'm sorry you had to die." I say into the air hoping that maybe she was listening.


An hour later I found myself in a meeting with two mothers from the pack asking for permission to get a part built on the land where the new houses are being built, being they only outdoor toys the children have are those in their own back garden and some of the mothers thought it would be nice to have a playground for all the children to play in.

My mum showed me pictures of one that the pack used to have before it was removed by my father after the war saying it was a danger having the children playing outside in case of another attack.

They showed me drawing some of the younger children had done on how they would like the park to look and involve.

"I'm sure if I show some of the men they could make something all the children will enjoy, its a wonderful idea and it will be great to see the children out playing." I reply collecting all the papers up to show Cole later.

Suddenly there was shouting outside the office getting louder and louder like someone was trying to push their way past.

"Ladies it would seem someone would like to see me so if you would like to get going I will get things started with the playground tonight."

The two women stand up when the door swings open making a loud bang as it hit the wall behind it, Ben and his mother come rushing in with my mum behind them looking out of breath and angry.

"See I told you she was in a meeting and to wait downstairs. Now if you would please wait downstairs she will get around to seeing you."

The two woman slide out the door trying to make their way downstairs as quick as possible while my mum stands her ground in between myself and Ben along with his mother.

"Annette you of all people know how things around here are run so you and your son should wait downstairs." I could see my mum was trying to hold her last nerve together and not just snap at them she was trying to be the respectable Luna she is. Rico stood in the doorway waiting for the word to step in but I shake my head at him and he steps back.

"Its fine mum I will see them now I just finished off with the meeting I was in any way. Would you both like to take a seat? Maybe something to drink?" I was trying to be nice.

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