Ivy's Story:

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From the first day I found out I had two mates I could tell Nelson wasn't the one, he had something dark about him, even though Owen and I hardly knew each other when I spent time with the two of them I could tell Owen was the one who I was meant to be with.

Nelson had a dark side, not like the bad boy that everyone likes dark side. More the kind who everyone thought took things too far and would end up being kicked out of the pack for breaking a major rule.

Nelson didn't like it that I would have rather spent my time with Owen than him, a number of times shouting abuse at the two of us and even stalking us on our dates.

When I started having the dreams from the other three girls there was no doubt that Nelson would hurt me if pushed, then, of course, the rumours started going around about what happened to the last girl and the fact a wolf killed her and got her powers.

I could feel people's eyes on me.

What people didn't learn in the main story was the fact after she got killed the wolf with her powers got killed a week later and her powers went around to wolf and wolf as they killed each other for her powers from the last person who killed for them, until one day a wolf died naturally and he was the last one with the powers. 

After talking to the other three girls I knew I had to do something, I no longer felt safe.

That's why I came up with the plan.

Owen, my parents and my brothers were the only people that knew at the time, the only people who were allowed to know the plan I had come up with on my own. Of course, they all thought I was crazy and putting myself in danger.

I was going to fake my death, one of my brothers were going to find my dead body in the morning and raise the call that one of the alpha's children has died, we was going to steal a dead body from a morgue that looked like me and then the family would hold a funeral before burning my body.

I was going to hide out a few towns over on unclaimed land in the caves.

I would be gone a month or two until the family thought it would be the right time for me to come back where I would hide in the pack house.

A week later the plan was put into action, my brothers stole a body and in the dark of night, I made my leave. Two of my brothers taking me out to the border of our packs land, making sure I wasn't seen by anyone before returning back.

I took enough to last me just over a month, a sleeping bag, food and of course a few changes of clothes. I couldn't risk being seen by any other wolfs from other packs even though I was on unclaimed land. So wouldn't get the chance to go shopping for anything I would need, I was on my own from here.

It was a lonely time, hiding out in the caves. There wasn't much I would do apart from making sure I had firewood and go for short walks and runs around the caves, every few nights I would change the cave I was hiding in.

Sometimes it felt like I could go crazy and I thought about just returning home but I knew I had to stick out with this plan for the small chance of living without being scared.

There was no way to find out how the pack was and I had a lot of time to think about the worst that could be happening, from the pack being attack as someone was looking for me to Nelson killing Owen.

I lost track of days giving up counting.

Then one night as I sat on a log I had pulled in as a seat I heard noises for the first time, something other than birds and wildlife.

I sat waiting to see who it could be, a hunter looking for deer, a rogue wolf maybe.

So when Owen entered through the entrance of my cave I leapt up rushing over to him, not caring that I must have looked like a mess and smelt even worse. I kiss him quickly before pulling away and even though I could have gone back for more I had so many questions.

After three days we got back home and once again in the dead of night we sneaked back into the pack house, the first thing I done was jump into the shower where Owen joined me.

My plan ended up working.

I lived hidden in the pack house and even though sometimes it was hard for me, I knew it was best. Without doing this worse things could have happened.

In the end, Nelson had to be kicked out of the pack as just like I thought he caused too much trouble and kept trying to fight with Owen.

Owen and I had a private wedding after having a little holiday and worked together to be alpha's of the pack and after six years of hiding from my very own pack I stepped out when I was seven months pregnant with the future alpha.

Don't get me wrong we had wars and people coming after us when word got out that I was alive after all, but Owen stood by me just like my pack as we took them on head first. Sadly Nelson was killed in the six years by a rogue pack he came across.

But me and Owen lived a happy life what with all our children and grandchildren.


So this, of course, is the last one and now this story is complete!

Thank you all for reading I hope you all enjoyed it.

And if you haven't yet leave a comment letting me know who out of the four other girls you liked best after reading their stories.

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