Lila's Story:

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I was on a wonderful day date having a picnic, enjoying my time, the food, the weather and the person I was having the date with.

We were in the pack houses back garden people all around us from happy children playing with each other to happy parents watching and other people in love and spending their day together.

Finding out I had not one but two mates I was shocked, who wouldn't be. Reed and Wade are two of the most amazing people in this pack and I knew a lot of girls were jealous because of this.

And after spending three months splitting my time between the boys, I finally picked Reed it still broke my heart as both of the boys were lovely and treated me like a princess. I just felt that little bit more of a pull towards Reed and after telling Wade how I felt and both of us having a good cry, we both agreed to remain friends.

So here I was about to tell Reed I had chosen him.

Nothing could have ruined this moment for me, it was perfect all the way down to the outfit.

For the start of the date we just spoke like a normal date, where we both shared memories and stories. Laughing at the funny ones and shocked at those that needed it. Even though I had already picked him he didn't know and I had been rehearsing this moment in front of the mirror too many times to count.

Thinking about it since I was a little girl.

His smile was everything right now, just the pure happiness on his face.

"Reed." He stops speaking hearing his name come from my lips, he gives me that look to show me he is giving me his full attention, I was the only one he was listening to in this moment.

"I pick you." It was simple three very simple words falling from my lips that were going to change everything for me in this moment.

I really didn't think the smile he had on his face could get bigger but he proved me wrong his smile grew his eyes widen and he looked like the happiest person in the world.

"Me... You picked me." I nod my head a simple reply.

"I have something for you, I thought I would have got a heads up before you choose and if it was going to be me I wanted to give you something. I'll be right back." I watch as he jumps up off the blanket running towards the pack house.

I laugh as I watch him every few steps looking back at me.

I was in my own little heaven as I waited, sitting in bliss over the fact I had just chosen the person I would be spending the rest of my life with. I wasn't listening to what was going on around me it was like it was just me in the garden as I waited for Reed.

Meaning I didn't hear the army that was coming towards us.

I didn't have time to protect those around me or myself.

It was the screaming around me that finally pulled me out of my little heaven, the children screaming as they ran around some towards the pack house, some trying to find somewhere to hide behind a bush or a tree, some towards their parents. The parents shouting for their children before grabbing them and taking off to keep them safe, those who were just enjoying their day trying to grab any stray children or running to the pack house for safety.

I spot a wolf charging towards a little girl who was frozen on the spot and leaps to my feet, running at full speed thankful for all the spare runs I had gone on that resulted in me getting faster, I point towards the pack house screaming for her to move, to do anything at this point that would help.

The wolf switches its gaze to me and runs at full speed as I keep running, even though I was fast I wasn't running from him, I was keeping him away from the children he was going to hurt.

He slams into my side sending us both rolling around in the grass, I grab onto his fur knowing the tugging I was doing would hurt him a little.

We finally come to a stop and I don't have much time at all being we landed with him on top, I block a few snaps of his teeth along with a few swings off his paws while trying to think of the best way I could get out of this position.

I tried so hard, I could hear as backup came to attack.

But I didn't get to see them arrive, I was too busy blocking a paw that he got an opening at my neck, his teeth shot through biting into my neck and I knew there was nothing I could do. There was nothing to save me now.

I felt as the blood started to come through the small gaps as he flings his head back skin all around his snout along with my blood.

The light came to me and I couldn't see anything else, no longer was I in the garden pinned under the wolf. No long was I in any pain.

Now I was just blinded by a light before two girls started walking towards me.

A sad look as they greeted me.

I was dead.

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