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"Sweetie wake up I need you to wake up Carrie darling" I feel my mum's hand on my back rubbing slightly to wake me up, I roll over rubbing my eyes.

"Mum, what's wrong what's happening?" It was still dark outside and from my mum's expression, I knew something wasn't right.

My mum was standing next to my bed looking outside the window that was on the other side, she looked panicked. My door was wide open and the only light was from the hallway, I sit up and notice my suitcase by the door, it looked packed next to it was a smaller bag used for hand luggage and some of my stuff was sticking out like it was packed in a rush.

Dad appears in front of the door blocking some of the light that was coming through, he looked at me with sad eyes then up at mum, who was now sitting on my bed.

"Darling I have Zac packed and ready downstairs are you ready?" He asks my mum and she shakes her head. 

"I'm now about to tell her, you can take her bags downstairs for me."

He grabs the bags and steps out but stops before turning down the hall. "I'll meet you downstairs, just hurry I don't know how much time we have."

Mum looks back down at me she looks sad like she had been crying, I was scared now I didn't know what was going on.

"Mummy, what's going on?" I ask my voice shaking slightly.

"Oh Carrie darling, you and your brother are going away for a while." She moves some of my hair out of my face in a comforting way leaving her hand there stroking the side of my face a little.

"Why? What did we do wrong?" I ask thinking back on all the possible things my brother and I had done today that could have gotten us in trouble.

"Nothing darling, it's just your lives have been put in danger myself and your father can't protect you and the pack so we are going to send you somewhere safe where you won't get hurt and that way we can help the pack." She tells me her eyes filling up and that's when I hear it the sound of the pack howling some in pain some in mourning and some in happiness.

"You're going to live with a human, she knows all about wolves so you won't need to worry about hiding away. Now I need you to get up and get dressed as quickly as you can, Do you understand?"

Mum kisses my forehead one last time before leaving the room heading downstairs, I get up and throw on a random jumper I had laying about and some boots, I grab my teddy on my bed and rush downstairs.

I enter the living room to see my family all there my father pacing the living room mum holding on to Zac who looks up at me in panic, A few of the other pack members are here all wide-eyed keeping an eye out for any sign of treat.

I run towards mum and Zac and jump up next to them. 

"Why is it only me and Carrie leaving mum? Why are you and dad not coming with us?" Zac asks.

Mum looks towards dad who is looking out a window at the darkness.

"As I am Alpha I need to stay with the pack and your mum is Luna it would look bad if the two of us was to run away from this war, You two are our weaknesses if anything was to happen to the two of you, your mum and I would be crushed. Because of me being Alpha and Zac being the heir they would aim to us both and if they were to kill us both then the pack would have no choice but to give in but as long as you are okay son the pack will always have an Alpha, I wish we could come with you but we can't but once it's safe you can come back again."

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