Chapter 5.

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Carrie's Point Of View:

It had been about two minutes since Molly told me it was Cole that she had been with last night and him that she was... Whatever it is they are.

Molly jumps out the car rushing over to Cole wrapping her arms around him.

Is she in love with him? 

Does he love her?

Even though I was hoping that I wouldn't have to think about all this mate stuff here I was jealous that Cole and Molly seemed to be together when he was my mate.

It hurt seeing them together Molly pulling him in for a kiss.

Is this how Ben felt when I told him I had two mates cause boy does it hurt.

This must have been Why Cole wanted nothing to do with me when he met me.

"Carrie, are you feeling alright? You've gone really white." Katie says looking at me almost waiting to see if I will throw up, Emily leant over in her seat to touch my forehead before retracting her hand and shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm still a little hungover from last night is all." I reply trying my best to smile.

Molly had pulled Cole over to the car opening the back door that was next to me. "Cole this is Carrie." Molly says keeping her arms wrapped around one of Coles.

I could tell he knew Molly had told me about the two of them and his eyes widen, Molly walked over to the boot of the car leaving Cole behind.

"I forgot to give you this back last night baby." She says giving him back his jacket.

My wolf made a little wiper sound at the fact before I turned up last night the two of them was together it was her lipstick on his collar that I saw.

"So where are you girls off to?" Cole asks looking at us all waiting to see who would tell him first.

"We're off to do some girly shopping and catch up, our little Carrie here has two mates can you believe that Ben is one of them!" She smiles brightly at Cole who keeps his facial expression neutral. "Carrie, Cole is Ben's best friend they live together so if you ever need to know anything about Ben Cole's your guy he knows everything about Ben." Molly tells me that happy go lucky smile never leaving her face. "She's not told us who her second mate is yet but I'm sure by the end of the night we will get it out of her." Molly tells Cole who looked worried at the idea of me outing our little secret.

Which is why I made the choice there and then.

"It doesn't matter who the other person is... I'm sticking with Ben." I say just loud enough for them to all here no happiness in my tone, I was still so confused.

I take a look at Emily who was smiling at me happy for me then I look at Katie who had gone as white as I was earlier.

She knew. I thought to myself she was looking at me and then Cole lips slightly open in shock.

I took a deep breath then turn my gaze back to Molly who was also smiling and clapping her hands like a little kid but then she stopped and looked back at me. I knew what she was going to say she wouldn't drop the subject of the second mate she likes to know things.

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