Dreams Part One:

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Carrie's Point Of View:

It was cold.

I was cold.

That's why I woke up and when I looked around in the pitch black reaching for my lamp I couldn't find it, also while I think of it this bed sure is hard it's like sleeping on wood. I put my hands on the bed to push myself up to find it was wood...

I look around spotting a light on the other end of the room... Where the wall was meant to be.

Did someone kidnap me?

I'm not tied up surely they would tie me up so I couldn't get away and put something in my mouth so I couldn't scream, I push myself up until I'm standing and walk towards the light.

Maybe I'm dead?

Once I get closer to the light I see it's a candle lighting up one side of the room where a girl who must have been my age sat on the floor a book in hand and a quill in the other, did people still use them? The mousey brown haired girl was someone I had never seen before in a white long nightgown that looked like it was from the eighteenth century.

"Excuse me." I say as I get closer as not to scare her, but she doesn't answer me instead, writing more in her book dipping the quill into the inkwell every now and then.

"Hello, my name's Carrie where am I?" I ask and again she ignores me.

I bang on the wall but no sound comes from it so I stamp my feet and again no sound, am I still dreaming?

The girl looks up and I see her red puffy eyes, she's been crying she wipes at her eyes a few time trying to get rid of any sign that she had been crying.

She opens a floor board putting the book in there along with her quill and inkwell before she gets up and starts walking down the room the same way I had come from, I notice how I can't seem to hear anything, not even the sound of her walking down the road. She opens a door and starts walking down the stairs on the other side before reaching the bottom and opening another door.

She looks both ways before rushing out and shutting the door behind her and in my face.

Okay if this is a dream then surely I can just walk through doors?

I give it a try squeezing my eyes shut in case I do end up hitting my face with the door and after taking four steps I open my eyes to see I'm on the other side.

I must be dreaming.

I catch up to the other girl who enters another room that I follow her into, she walks towards the bedroom window looking outside and I stand next to her to see what she can see. There is something oddly familiar about this view, maybe I've seen all this in a show before.

She suddenly spins around from next to me and I follow her shocked reaction to see someone's come into her room, he was a tall guy with blonde hair and for whatever reason looked mad. He stalked towards her eyes ablaze eyebrows together, I look over at the girl who looks scared now. He grabs her arm way too harsh pulling him towards her until she is against him right under his nose that he looks down to look at her.

It looks like he's having a go at her and it's in that moment I wish I could hear what they were saying, she starting to tear up again and even though I knew they couldn't hear me I still spoke.

"Get off her." I should and reach to pull his hand from around her arm but my hands go right through them, a few moments later he lets go of her and walks away back out the door shutting it with force.

She falls to the floor were her tears finally fall.


So there is going to be a few dream chapter's and I think they're all going to be small chapters.

But tell me what you think this dream is about and what it might mean to the story.

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