Kitty cat

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Naya walked over to where Cat Noir was sitting on the roof, the last rays of sunlight reflecting golden in his green eyes.

"Any battles today?"

"None as far as I know," he joked, "but Ladybug might be so good she can beat them without me now."

"Aww. But that means I get you," she reminded him, feeling a small chord of fear strike in her heart that he would frown and look away, or tell her he wasn't interested, but he did none of the above and instead grinned cheekily.

"You gotta love me, Ocean Blue."

She broke out laughing. "Ocean Blue? Is that your pathetic attempt at a nickname for me? C'mon, you can try a little harder than that!"

He laughed as well, looking embarrassed. "I need a nickname for you! I thought since you have blue in your hair..."

"This is teal," she informed him. "If you're so desperate for a nickname you can call me Aya, but really, I'm fine with just my name."

"Aya." He hummed the name out, then nodded. "Naya it is."

"Are you dissing my nickname?" she gasped dramatically. "My friends would destroy you for that."

"They could try. But no one can catch this kitty cat!"

An overwhelming urge to pet his head right between those cute little black ears washed over Naya, and she clasped her hands together in her lap, keeping them still.

"What's wrong?"

"I was kinda scared you wouldn't come tonight. That you'd forget about me."

"What?" He scooted closer to her, giving her the gentlest possible smile she could imagine. "I'd never do that. I keep my word."

"I know. Thank you."

The sun set as they talked, washing them in starlight. The light reflected in Cat Noir's beautiful green eyes in a way that just begged to be drawn.

"And then I cataclysmed her lucky charm! It was crazy, but, as usual, it was all part of m'lady's plan. She's such a genius! It seems like no matter how bad the situation gets she always finds a way out. That's what I love about her."

The words made a small pit open inside Naya and she looked away. Then she remembered she'd brought her tablet up to the roof again.

"Hey, I promised you a drawing, didn't I?" she reminded him, trying to change the subject. "I've been working on some sketches..."

She showed him what she'd made that day, full body sketches of Ladybug and him flying through a starry night together, the setting sun creating a lens flare in the right corner from behind the Paris skyline.

"Woah!" He stared at the sketch for a good minute, then grinned even wider. "It's amazing. Do you think I could get a copy of the finished version?"

"Y-yeah!" Naya flushed, hoping he couldn't see in the starlight. "I'll work on it tomorrow and show you where I get to."

"It's so cool you can do that." Cat Noir flopped down onto his back, swinging his legs over the edge of the building. "I wish I had something like that."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, genuinely confused. "You're a superhero! Aren't you passionate about that? It's certainly more awesome than my little drawings. You're saving people! I wish... I wish I had something like that."

"I guess we're both awesome in our own ways," he murmured, a grin slowly spreading over his face.

A boom echoed through the city and Cat Noir leapt to his feet, poised to attack. He started to reach for his stick, then glanced over at Naya, looking guilty.

"Go. I'll be fine."

He nodded, then took off, quickly disappearing behind a building.

I'm always being left behind, aren't I? Always being left alone.

Will o' The Wisps (miraculous ladybug x OC)Where stories live. Discover now