Not in my life

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After the bell rang, Naya was walking down the steps of the building, bag slung over her shoulder and eyes fixed on the ground. Her head hurt with unanswered questions and her eyes were tired from crying alone. It had been two days since the "incident" where Adrien had basically rejected her without realizing it, and she'd been a mess ever since then. Or should she call him Cat Noir in this circumstance? She didn't know anymore.

She closed her eyes, not caring if she tripped. What a mess. It felt like her life had lost its purpose. She hadn't seen the cat/boy since the incident, but that just seemed to make it worse.

"Hey! Naya!" Marinette called. Naya opened her eyes and looked up to see her waving as she ran towards her. "We're going out with Nino, Alya and Adrien! Wanna come?"

Adrien? An image of Cat Noir flashed through her head and she felt a lump rise in her throat. She didn't want to see either side of him right now, but she knew this was what was best for her. If the options were friends or nothing, friends was the much better option.

"Sure! I'll come!" She smiled, feeling the tears recede behind her mask.

"Come on!" Marinette slowed to a stop in front of her, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards Adrien's long black car. "His bodyguard doesn't want to wait for us."

As they clambered in, Naya somehow found herself sitting right across from her very own kitty, Adrien. As the car pulled off the curb he smiled kindly at her and she looked away, feeling tears rise up again. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him frown worriedly.

Throughout the drive, he tried multiple times to catch her eye, but she always evaded his gaze. He looked sadder and sadder every time she did it, which she almost enjoyed. It was like, deep down, she wanted him to suffer for how he'd toyed with her heart. She wanted him to feel the same pain he'd dealt to her.

At least they arrived at their destination, the zoo, and all five of them clambered out, thanking the driver and smiling at each other.

"Hmmp. Grrumph. Pphm."

Adrien nodded to his bodyguard. "I'll be back by six. I promise."

Then he rolled up the windows and pulled away from them, leaving everyone but Naya staring at Adrien in shock.

" can understand him?" Alya asked, amazed.

"Woah! Dude! That's like— like a superpower!" Nino raised his hand for a high five and Adrien returned it, laughing lightly.

"It's more like a different language. That's right, I guess only Naya has seen how he talks. Right?" He looked around Marinette to smile at her and she averted her gaze again. Adrien frowned deeply. The rest of them watched in awkward silence until Marinette decided to break it.

"W-Well! Let's go enjoy the zoo, huh?" She grabbed Naya's hand and they started off. After a while Alya and Nino bunched together, holding hands and whispering what Naya guessed were sweet nothings to each other. At the same time, Naya and Marinette were walking together, pointing out cool birds and animals to each other and laughing. And Adrien walked behind the two pairs, looking awkward and out of place.

"This is fun," Naya laughed, "hanging out with you. I'm glad to get to know you better."

"Me too!" Marinette smiled sweetly. "You're a really cool person. I'm glad I got to know you too."

"Hey...isn't that a crazy bird?" Adrien tried, sidling up next to Naya and pointing out a cockatoo in the nearest cage.

Naya looked in the opposite direction while Marinette blushed profusely and stammered, "not at pretty as you are—I mean, that's pretty cool, just like you! No—wait, I meant—!"

"That is a pretty bird?" Naya guessed, pushing Marinette's shoulder jokingly.

"Yes! That!" Marinette smiled and whispered, "thanks."

"Of course."

Adrien watched them for a second, then laughed. "I'm glad you two are becoming friends."

Marinette nodded, unable to say anything, while Naya huffed. Defeated, Adrien crossed over to the other pasture and started talking to them. Marinette looked at Naya worriedly.

"Did...Adrien do something to you?"

"No. Not in the slightest." Naya shrugged.

"Then, why are you avoiding him?"

"Am I?"

"You are."

"Nah, I don't think so."

Marinette frowned. "Well, it's making him sad, so please stop. I hate to see that beautiful face so sad..." she faded off into dreamland and Naya sighed. This girl really had some obsession.

Will o' The Wisps (miraculous ladybug x OC)Where stories live. Discover now