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Well that's it then. He doesn't love me and he never will. Naya hugged her pillow tighter, grabbing another tissue. She needed to talk to someone, to tell them everything that was going on, but the only person she had was Cat Noir, and she really didn't want to see him right then.

Should I call my mom? What if she gets mad? No, she will get mad, for sure.

Again, for what felt like the hundredth time, the video of Cat Noir sighing angrily and snapping, "neither of us have feelings for each other!" played through her head. How could she have been so stupid as to ask in front of Ladybug!? What was wrong with her? Of course he'd say no, in front of his actual love.
But still, he'd said it with such confidence she couldn't believe he was lying. It felt like a stab in the back, going through to the chest, every time she thought about it.

He's up there, right now, waiting for me. He wants to see me, as friends. As frickin friends! I'm so, so sick of being "friends"!

I bet you are. But I can fix all of that, Naya.

She gasped, wiping her eyes frantically and looked around her for anything that had turned black, easily finding her pillow was now a dark, shifting purple. The pillow she held and cried into, because she had no one else.

That's right. They've all abandoned you. They deceive you and lie to you and break your heart over and over again. But I can change that.

"Get out of my head!" she screamed, clutching at her hair. "I won't be akumatized! I can't..." tears again rushed to her eyes, hot and burning. "I can't hurt him anymore than I already have!"

You want to protect the one who broke your heart? And the one who tortures your only true love?

"That's not...that's not true..." She slowly felt her conciseness fading as he took over her mind, the darkness creeping in little by little. "I want to protect him...right?"

After he did all that to you? He deserves to be punished!
"You're...You're right! He shouldn't be able to toy with my feelings like this! He deserves to feel the same pain I've felt!"

Unable to control herself, Naya was thrown into the pits of her mind to watch helplessly as she stood, black encasing her, and walked to the mirror to observe her new self.

She wore a black suit with golden leaf designs swirling around it and two black horns grew from out of her head. She looked like a combination of evil Naya and evil Wisp.


The connection faltered for a moment and she was almost able to gain control again when it strengthened and she was tossed back.

You really are Wisp. He laughed loudly. What a stroke of luck I've had!

He knows. He knows everything! This is the end!

No, no, my dear. This is simply the beginning!

She slammed out of her bedroom, almost breaking the door down and ran up the steps towards the roof.

Let's begin, shall we, with that little kitty waiting for you!

Cat Noir! No!

Will o' The Wisps (miraculous ladybug x OC)Where stories live. Discover now