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"You look cheery today," Adrien commented, sliding up next to Naya in the lunch line. "Anything happen?"

"Huh?" She blinked, still unused to the attention from the blond boy. After their talk two weeks before, he seemed a lot closer to her, although she didn't exactly love the glares that fact brought her way. Even then she could feel at least four jealous pairs of eyes stabbing into her back.

"I went out with my mom. We haven't done that in a while."

"Nice!" He sighed wistfully. "I wish I could go out with my father like that."

"So what's the deal with your father anyways?" Naya asked as they were served their food and started towards an open table. Before they reached it together, Nino waved Adrien over to his table and Nathaniel waved Naya over to his.

"I—sorry, I have to go this way," Adrien apologized, stopping.

"And I have to go this way," she agreed. "Sorry."

"No problem. Do you want to talk after school?"

"Sure!" She smiled widely and he frowned as he usually did when she put on a mask of happiness. She was starting to suspect he knew about her, but other than the occasional odd glance he'd send her way, there weren't many other clues. And how would he know? She'd never slipped up, as far as she knew. Maybe she'd revealed too much during their talk?

He knew she was lovesick. Ahhhh why did she have to tell him she was lovesick? What a stupid, stupid move. And now he was all over her tail about her being secretly depressed at school. If only they'd never had that talk in the car. Cat Noir was the only person she'd thought she was comfortable sharing with, but she'd gone and spilled to the little rich—

"Naya?" Nathaniel asked worriedly. " okay?"

"What?" She suddenly realized she'd been glaring intensely at her apple as her thoughts raced by. "Y-yeah! Just...long day?"

He nodded. "I get that. Have you worked any more on your art?"

She smiled gently. He could be so cute when he talked about art, since he got really into it sometimes.

"I have." She reached into her backpack, pulling out her phone and flipping to the screenshot she'd taken of her current project, a picture of Ladybug, Cat Noir and Wisp flying through the night sky, each superhero having angel wings that caught the moonlight in their white feathers.

She hadn't shown Cat Noir yet. She was waiting to finish, at least, that's what she kept telling herself. But in reality, she was just scared what he would think of it. Scared he still disliked Wisp and therefore a part of Naya.

"That's beautiful!" Nathaniel cried, snapping her back to the present. "Sorry. That was loud. But really, you're super talented."

"Are you working on anything right now?" she asked, turning off her phone and slipping it into her pocket. She already knew from what she'd heard that he was working on a comic with another boy, but there was no harm in making small talk. It was just another part of faking through her day.

"I'm working on a comic with another boy," Nathaniel answered, flushing. "But it's not done yet."

"Hey, don't push yourself. I only want to see art that you're comfortable with showing me, nothing more," she assured him. "You know that, right?"

He smiled, nodding. "Thanks. You're a really good friend. I'm glad I started talking to you."

"Yeah!" Why did I have to hear the friend thing again? "Me too."

Will o' The Wisps (miraculous ladybug x OC)Where stories live. Discover now