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Naya looked up in surprise to see Marinette waving at her through the bars of the railing. The girl was surrounded by classmates, also smiling and waving.

"Hey!" she called, putting on a happy smile and rushing down the stairs towards them. "What's up?"

"Do you want to sit with us?" a short blond haired girl asked, grinning wildly. The purple haired girl next to her nodded silently.

"Thanks. I would love to."

Every face lit up until she wanted to shield her eyes from the brightness.

Marinette joined her as she started up towards the cafeteria, along with the girl who sat next to her in class.

"I'm Alya," she said when she noticed Naya's gaze. "Nice to meet you.

"Same here." Naya smiled again and Alya frowned.


"Are you faking? If you're trying to trick Marinette into doing something you'd better stop."

Wow, she figured me out fast.

"Faking? What are you talking about?"

Alya shook her head, sighing. "Whatever. Just don't do anything bad."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."
By that point they'd reached the door to the cafeteria door, which Naya held open for Alya. The girl paused, then nodded and walked through.

Seriously? I'm not going to do anything bad. I just fake who I am to make more friends and take stress off my mother. There's nothing wrong with that!

As she walked through, the door slammed shut behind her and all eyes turned in her direction. Naya flinched at the sudden attention but was able to laugh it off.

"Haha, sorry, I didn't mean to slam that."

Everyone turned back to their lunches but Alya glared at her for a few more seconds before Marinette shot her a look and she sighed.

"Sorry about Alya. She gets really protective of me," the blue haired girl apologized, glaring at her friend.

"I don't mind at all." Naya gave Alya an overly sweet smile before grabbing a tray and getting into line.

"Is everything okay?" a boy's voice asked and she turned to see a super cute blond boy frowning worriedly at her.

That's Adrien Agreste, right? I've seen him on signs and stuff. I wonder if he's all stuck up?

"Alya thinks I'm some demon in disguise," she joked, then whispered closer, "I don't know how she figured it out, that I'm plotting to take over the world."

Adrien laughed lightly and something snapped behind Naya, turning out to be Marinette's fork when she sneaked a look back. The girl was fuming, and Alya wore a I told you so look.

Ah, I see. Better nip this on the bud before I get the class rep to hate me by talking to her crush.

"Anyways, you already know this but I'm Naya. And you are?"

"Adrien Agreste." He smiled warmly. Wow, was he cute. "It's nice to meet you."

"Same here." She grinned. "Everyone at this school seems so nice."

"Yeah, it's a really great environment," he commented happily. "I'm so glad my father let me come here."

"Naya," Alya called as they started picking up their food. She turned just as Alya pulled her back and pushed Marinette towards Adrien. "Sorry," she whispered, although she didn't look like she meant it, "It's just Marinette got super jealous so I thought I'd show her you weren't trying to steal Adrien from her. You're fine with that, right?"

How hard are you going to try to get me to act like a terrible person?

"Yeah, I've got no problem with that."

Alya frowned. "Good."

"A-Adrien! Hi!" Marinette yelped. "You look gorgeous—I mean, I'm gorgeous—I mean this food is..." she picked up a shiny apple and laughed awkwardly, "gorgeous?"

Adrien smiled naturally like this was a normal occurrence. "Yeah. I like when they have these kinds of apples."

"Yeah..." she murmured, a hot blush spreading over her face as she stared at him.

They passed through the line without much more drama, picking up the lunch and walking back down to the tables in the quad.

The rest of lunch passed peacefully too, full of names to remember and faces to store away but peaceful nonetheless. Naya was actually starting to enjoy herself by the time the bell rang and they went back to for the remainder of the day.

And, finally, the last bell rang and the students crowded out of the classroom and school.

"Naya!" Marinette called, "where do you live? I could walk you home if you wanted."

"Oh." Naya flushed. "You don't have to do that."

"Oh please." Marinette waved her hand dismissively. "No one should have to walk home alone on their first day of school!"

What a genuinely nice person. Naya smiled.


"Mind if I join you two?" Alya asked, sliding up to Marinette's side.

Naya frowned and Alya quickly clarified, "it's not like that. I should apologize for how I've acted today. I was wrong to suspect you of being an awful person."

Oh. Well that was unexpected.

"Apology accepted. Don't worry about it." Naya put out a hand and Alya shook it, smiling.

"Yay!" Marinette cried, clasping her hands together happily. "You two made up, I'm so glad!"

"The last thing I want is any enemies," Naya joked and the girl frowned.

That was too honest. What am I doing, getting so comfortable? I don't belong here.

"Sorry, I think I'll actually walk home alone," she muttered, looking away.

"Oh, are you sure?" Alya asked, looking a little worried.

"Yeah, I'm a fast walker, I don't want to force you to keep up," she lied, still not meeting their eyes. "I'm sorry."

"O-oh." Marinette looked confused and she felt a pang of guilt for lying again.

I do that all the time now. Why is this any different?

As she waved and started off faster than she'd ever walked before, more tears started to gather in her eyes, the same angry, guilty ones from the morning.

I hate crying. I'm so sick of it! I'm sick of everything.

I'm just so sick of this.

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