3. Leaving me

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'You are leaving me aren't you Princess?' Doran asked softly.

'I need to go back.' Geneva admitted. He pressed a kiss to her head.

'I will miss you. You are like the sister I always wanted.'


'Was oberyns partner in crime. They always left me out of the fun. You my dear always included me.' Doran reminded her

'You saved me. The night of my wedding you saved me. I wanted to die.' Geneva admitted, 'I wont leave if you need me.' Geneva told him

'You still feel the loss of tywin?'

'I do.' She admitted

'But you think being back there will get you some closure.' Doran suggested

'I do.' She agreed. 'I hope at least... I didn't get to say goodbye.'

'Be safe.' he whispered hugging her. 'Take chances and fall in love again.' She kissed his cheek as she pulled away. 'Come back but not too soon.' Doran instructed. 'Live first. Love again and again.'


'You're a bold man.' Jamie said back to the sparrow.

'On the contrary I fear a great deal, the father the mother the warrior,' he smiled over at Jaime. 'Marcella is lucky to be back in the capitol. Many thought that the wife and mistress of Oberyn Martell would seek vengeance for their loss.' She did. Jaime thought. Geneva did get vengeance. Although Jaime loved Tyrion, Tyrion killed his father and if Geneva hadn't killed him, Jaime would have sliced Tyrion in half.

'No more Lannister funerals.' Jaime told him.

'do you know why we use stones?' the sparrow questioned 'to remind us not to fear death we close our eyes in this world but open them in the next.'

'You must laugh at the next life.' Jaime remarked

'In truth I fear that too.'

'You humiliated my sister.'

'Your sister sat for God's mercy and atone for her sins.' Sparrow corrected.

'What about my sins!' Jaime questioned 'I broke a sacred oath and stabbed the kings Hand in the back I killed my own cousin, I stabbed the king in the back, when the gods decide their judgment I helped my brother escape justice... what atonement do I deserve?' Jamie said taking threatening steps forward

'If you spill blood in this holy Place...' the sparrow warned.

'All the gods won't mind.' Jaime assured him. 'they spill more blood than the rest of us combined.' Jaime told him

'Go on then I deserve it.' the sparrow told him 'we all are but weak vain creatures we live only by the mothers mercy.' The sparrow told him, but soon Jaime was surrounded.

'They should be closer if they mean to save you.' Jaime threatened.

'They don't. I know they won't reach me before you struck.' the sparrow said

'I fought against worse odds.' Jaime said confidently and if Jaime was whole he might have believed his own words but he was pissed. After all the high sparrow, in all his bullshit wisdom did to his family he had vengeance on his side.

'No doubt many of us would fall but who are we? We have no names no families every one of us is poor and powerless and yet together we can overthrow an empire.' the sparrow informed him he backed up slowly Jamie let him go watching him fade into the back of the sept. They needed more friends in the capitol, right now the Tyrells were locked up and they were supposed to be their greatest allies, the martells, although Trystane was doing fine on the council he was a child. They needed someone with power and strength and the courage to do what needed to be done without worrying about getting her hands a little bloody. Jaime's mind instantly went to Geneva. He hadn't spoken to her much but she was beautiful and she was kind to Tommen, Tommen told Jaime how much he liked Geneva. Marcella couldn't stop talking about Geneva. She even called her Aunt Geneva. They had so many memories together that Jaime didn't think he would ever really have because Marcella was a woman now, she didn't need her father like she did when she was little. She killed Tyrion, pulled the arrow from his fathers chest and stabbed it into Tyrion's neck. Geneva looked like a proper princess but she had a dark side. She had depth beyond someone's property and that intrigued him. But Geneva was in high garden and the capitol was still a mess. A raging mess and that wouldn't change as long as the high sparrow deemed himself a king in his own right.

Jaime didn't understand, the king was supposed to be in the highest position of power but King Tommen was a child and the sparrow knew he could manipulate him. But Jaime was back and the sparrow needed to go, his followers as well. It was the only way and Cersei had the same thought. 

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now