8. Boost my ego

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Willow // Tywin Lannister is out now!!


Marcella spent most of our time with Geneva and Geneva was not surprised. Trystane was only 10 himself and didnt care about girls yet.

Swimming in the water gardens was their favorite activity. But doran got geneva a new sail boat for her name day and the girls spent every moment on the waters.

'Thank you that's really sweet and really too much.' Geneva told him

'Nonsense you are the princess,' Doran told her

'Thank you.' she repeated kissing his cheek

'What do you say we take it out on the water the four of us?'

'I think that's a great idea. Marcella? What do you say we go sailing today with the boys?' Geneva asked and Marcella nodded so they all headed out.

Geneva had gotten long used to oberyn ignoring her existence and she had long since got used to his shenanigans his indiscretions she got used to finding solace in others. Marcella was a wonderful distraction. They got out into the middle of the water before they stopped and dropped an anchor letting the children splash around.

She reminds me a bit of you,' Doran remarked

'A scared girl in a foreign land wishing for Home but knowing she will never get it?' Geneva told him flatly

'A sweet girl with a good heart trying her very best to make the best out of a bad situation,' he corrected

'You're supposed to tell me I'm beautiful too to boost my ego it is my name day.' Geneva mused

'And how gorgeous you are princess!' Doran exclaimed with a laugh

'Why thank you.' she half bowed as their feet splashed in the waters. 'I think they are going to get along just fine.' Geneva remarked

'Yes I would say this is a good match.'

'Compared to previous Dorne failures.' she added quietly.

'Yes I agree with that assessment entirely your marriage is a failure.' he told her

'I'm not meant for love.' Geneva told him

'That's not true.'

'Isn't it? Look at me.' Geneva requested. 'I've been here three years now and I have hated myself for most of it. My own husband doesn't know I exist doesn't care or maybe he doesn't know I exist and he likes making my life miserable.'

'Ignore him I do.'

'When he's gone adventuring exploring going everywhere and doing everything I don't care I don't miss him whatsoever but then he comes back and he flaunts them around and it makes me think I am unlovable.' Geneva told him

'You are not. Perhaps the love of your life is just not here. In Dorne.'

'So am I just supposed to wait for Oberyn to... I don't know fall off a cliff get his head bashed in? Wait here getting older and older and never be loved?' Geneva countered.

'I think your purpose is different. I think you were meant to be here maybe princess Marcella is the reason.' Doran suggested

'I do like being here for her I do like that I get a chance at being sort of like a mother... Maybe not a mother more like an aunt I could be like a cool fun aunt.'

'You are a cool fun aunt Trystane loves you.' Doran assured her

'I want love and be loved... I want to be somebody's everything but I'm never going to.'

'I love you and Trystane loves you.' Doran reminded her

'And I love you both.' geneva assured him.

'But it is a different kind of love you're looking for.' she nodded

'To be someone's everything their whole world someone that consumes your mind and they consume yours in the best way possible. Consuming your heart and your mind and your body all at once all the time even when they're a world away... It seems like a lot to ask but I want it anyways.' Geneva muttered

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