5. Shit show

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Call it what you want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria sand is out now!

'Wow I leave for a few months and this place is a shit show.' Geneva remarked as marcella ran up to her. 'Hi sweetie.'

'You're back!' She exclaimed

'I told you i would didnt I?'

'Yes but you didn't say when.' Marcella reminded her

'I had some things to handle in dorne but everything is as it should be.' Geneva assured. 'Trystane,' Geneva coed. 'look at you. Handsome as ever.'

'Hello aunt Geneva.' trystane said hugging her

'Your father sends his love.' Geneva told him. It had been two months and Geneva's heart couldnt handle dorne. She didnt know what to do. The person her heart ached for was gone, so who could put her back together again?

'Thank you. For everything you did for us.' Trystane told her

'What did I do?' She mused seeing cersei and jaime coming up behind the kids.

'Father wrote and told me that-'

'Shh,' Geneva said kissing his cheek. 'Burn that."

'Right.... Already did.' trystane agreed. 'We are in your debt.' Trystane said grabbing onto marcellas hand.

'No debt, just make sure to have lemon bars and carrot cake at your wedding for me.' Geneva mused.

'Mother look whos here!" Marcella declared.

'Geneva, welcome back.' Cersei said happily. 'I do hope you stay awhile.' She said as she hugged her.

"That was the plan.' Geneva told her.

'Good, it is hell around here. I need a friend.' Cersei told her softly as Geneva messed with Cersei's hair. 

'This is new.' She remarked. Geneva didn't really have boundaries. Cersei didn't mind she chuckled as Geneva  fixed her hair.

'Yes.' She agreed.

'There a story behind that?" Cersei nodded. 'Perhaps one best told over many drinks?" Geneva suggested.

'Many drinks.' Cersei agreed.

'Princess.' Jaime said coming up to them.

"I don't think I am.' Geneva told him.

'You will always be a princess to me.' he coed in her ear as he hugged her.

'Oh you Lannister's are flirts.' Geneva remarked linking arms with them. 'Tell me what's going on.'

'I need to thank you first.' Cersei said stopping her.

"Thank me?'

'You got our father justice.' Cersei told her, but her gaze shifted angrily to Jaime. 'You avenged him and you saved my baby girl.'

'Your father was kind to me and Marcella is the sweetest.' Geneva told them. 'I was happy to help... I'm sorry I couldn't... save him.' Geneva added and her face pinched.

'I don't blame you.' Cersei assured. 'In my book you are the hero.'

'Still... things could have been different had I-'

'stop that.' Cersei told her 'this is not your fault. Tyrion was always a mean, spiteful little man. You couldn't have stopped this.' Geneva nodded but she still felt awful. She loved Tywin.

'I need a drink or else you are going to make me cry.' Geneva told her.

'Many drinks,' Jaime agreed.

Cersei found that she wasn't yelling at Jaime when Geneva was around. She was like a buffer, Cersei didn't hate Jaime, she felt at peace. Geneva was blissfully drunk and she loved the twins. She loved having a normal conversation, and not giving a damn about anyone else. Doran had told her to live and she was ready to live again in the capital. Cersei and Jaime were a good distraction for everything that was so familiar in the capital. All the things all the places she would have Tywin in her mind. She knew it was worse for them. He was their father. Maybe that was what brought them close so quickly, maybe their love of Marcella, maybe it was the fact that they all needed someone to feel anything other than pain again.

'Oh... Jaime get the thing.' Cersei requested pointing at the desk. He got up handing it over to Cersei. 'I found this is my father's things.' Cersei remarked handing a scroll over to geneva she took it with hesitant hands. It was a marriage declaration. Geneva stared down at it. 'You were fucking my father and he loved you.' cersei remarked a quirk to her lips

'I was. He was excellent.' Geneva admitted 'but i don't understand this. Oberyn died-'

'He had that written the day before tyrions trial began.' cersei informed her pointing to the date

'I was still married...' geneva reminded her softly as she stared down at it.

'Yet he loved you enough to break the rules. Just as you loved him enough to kill his killer. Thank you for that.' Cersei repeated.

'I was just so angry.' Geneva remarked. 'He died in my arms and...' she gnawed at her lip

'Thank you Geneva.' cersei repeated. 'I have wanted that monster dead since the moment he tore my mother apart.'

'And for marcella' jaime added and geneva turned to him. 'She would have died wouldn't she?' Jaime remarked

'Yes. That was ellaria's plan.' Geneva admitted 'She wanted to send her back piece by piece finger by finger,' geneva remarked. 'I adore Marcella, she will always be family to me and i protect my family.' Geneva informed him.

'That is very clear.' Cersei told her. 'so thank you again.' Cersei said softly.

'Ellaria. What happened to her?' Jaime questioned pouring them all another drink

'Taken care of.' Geneva said vaguely as she brought her glass to her lips. Cersei stared at her though needing more. 'Are you familiar with poison?' Geneva questioned

'No.' Cersei admitted

'Just the one we found killed Joffrey,' jaime added and  cersei nodded, yes they had learned of that one, it was engraved in their minds.

'Oberyn, ellaria everyone in dorne loved deadly things. I loved to imagine ways to which i could kill oberyn.' Geneva said sweetly as she took a sip leaning back into the couch. 'Things that could days to weeks. The long goodbye,' she told them. 'it kills you slowly so slowly that it rots you away from the inside out.'

'That's why you stayed in dorne so long?' Jaime questioned

'No I killed her and her daughters quickly. They are skilled in poisons as well I couldn't give them the chance. Some poisons work quick others slow but they all cause damage. I would have loved to kill them slowly.' Geneva told them. 'but couldn't risk it.'

'You are wicked.' Cersei remarked but a smile tugged at her lips.

'I protect what's mine.' Geneva told them she put down her glass and headed out.

'Geneva,' jaime called after her. 'Take fathers room if you like.' Cersei nodded in agreement. Geneva smiled softly before heading out.

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now