11. Kaboom

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Death by a Thousand Cuts // Margaery Tyrell // Cersei Lannister

"So tell me of your little sparrow problem." Geneva requested once Doran was situated.

"No problem, the crown and the sept are one." Cersei said pushing open her door. Geneva sealed it behind her.

"Right, spill it." Geneva demanded with a smirk as she sat down, elbow behind her on the couch.

"The fucking sparrow." Cersei sneered.

"He did this to you." Geneva asked running her fingers through cersei's hair.

"Yes." Cersei admitted.


"Because of my relationship with Jaime." Cersei admitted and she didn't realize how much she had been holding everything in, how much she wanted to talk to someone, someone that knew the truth and didn't look at her with disgust. Someone that saw her, short hair and broken soul and still comforted her.

"Because the sparrow is so perfect right?" Geneva said sarcastically. "We all have our demons, I'm sure he wouldn't like his brought to light."

"What are your demons?" Cersei pondered.

"I need more wine for that." Geneva teased. But when cersei looked at her Geneva felt like she could see her soul. "You mean besides being a murderer?" Geneva offered. "That's kind of a big one.'

"Do you regret it?"

"No." Geneva answered immediately. "Maybe that's... maybe I'm... I don't know. Something shifted in me. The day Tywin died I saw red. When I killed Tyrion, I saw red and that red didn't go away. I just needed everyone that made my life hell to pay." Geneva whispered as she sucked in a pained breath.

"You still feel that pain?" Cersei pondered.

"I still feel that...' Geneva tapped her fingers against her chest. "...in me. like I don't know what I'm capable of." Geneva admitted.

"That's a good trait to have in the capital." Cersei told her.

"Ruthless, heartless, callous, coldblooded?" Geneva asked softly Cersei took Geneva's chin in her finger, lifting her face to look at her.

"Passion." Cersei corrected.


"Geneva is settling in alright?" Doran questioned.

"Yes." Jaime agreed.

"She likes your family." Doran remarked.

"We all like her." Jaime agreed. "Very much so."

"She is family to me... I just want her to be happy." Doran urged.

"As do I, she did us a great deal." Jaime told him. Doran looked up at him curiously. Could Geneva like the son of the man she loved? No that would be strange, no? "What?" Jaime questioned.
"Nothing." Doran said simply turning his attention ahead as Trystan approached. "Thank you Ser Jaime."

"Of course." Jaime said stiffly as he turned back around. He needed to talk to cersei, but talking to cersei was always a hassle, always a fight, he would rather talk to Geneva, she didn't yell at him. She was a good listener. She was pretty too, she was beautiful and Marcella already adored her and- Jaime shook his thoughts away. She was in love with his father, he shouldn't be having these thoughts. Still his mind drifted to her.


"So the sparrow needs to go." Geneva agreed. They had rotated to the floor, Cersei sat between geneva's legs leaning back into her, hands trailing along her thighs as Geneva started concocting a plan on the table.

"What are you writing?" Cersei questioned, she didn't even notice Geneva was writing, her left hand scribbled away on the table next to them while her right trailed over Cersei's stomach.

"Just supplies I might need." Geneva said innocently.

"Oh you say it as though we are painting the room and need a new color palate.' Cersei remarked laughing back at her.

"Best to seem innocent when doing some... less innocent acts." Geneva offered. "What else? What do you think of the sept? is it really necessary?" Geneva offered. "I always found prayer... less than helpful." Geneva admitted.

"Agreed. It can all go for all I care." Cersei remarked.
"Good to know." Geneva agreed.

"What are you writing now?" Cersei questioned. "Kaboom." Cersei read aloud.

"What? Its coded." Geneva offered and Cersei put it down her hands resuming around Geneva's legs.

"And then there is the issue of the tyrells." Cersei remarked leaning into Geneva. "Vanilla." Cersei said and Geneva stared down at her. "You smell like vanilla."

"Oh," Geneva said with a laugh as her head tipped back into the couch behind her. Cersei traced her fingers along Geneva's closing her eyes. She felt safe. That was something she hadn't felt in the capital in a long time.

"What was I saying?" Cersei questioned


"That was you." Cersei remarked with a laugh.

"Oh yes." Geneva agreed as the door opened. "Jaime!' Geneva declared. "What kind of wine goes best with treachery?" Geneva offered innocently.
"I don't think I want to know what you two are up to." Jaime remarked.

"Probably not." Geneva admitted. 'Come join us anyways." Cersei stared up at him annoyed. They were in a bad stop. But Geneva was like a little blonde hair buffer between them.

"What is this?" Jaime questioned. Cersei shook her head at Geneva.
"It's coded." Geneva told him drunkenly.

"I see that." Jaime agreed. What are you two up to?"

"Oooh!" Geneva declared a shiver through her spine. "Your hand is cold!" Geneva exclaimed as Jaime golden hand grazed the back of her neck.

"Is it?' he questioned bringing it to her back, she tipped forward laughing. "I don't think you need any more wine," Jaime mused. "What is this?" Jaime questioned again.
"Well." Geneva got up and plopped down next to him. "You see this is the sept, and this is a sparrow, you don't like my drawing?" Geneva asked innocently.

"That's a sparrow?" Jaime questioned flipping it around for Cersei.

"Oh honey."

"I know what it is, its my coded message." Geneva told them. "Then, this." She pointed at the parchment.
"Kaboom." Jaime read and cersei sniggered.

"Yes." Geneva agreed laughing. "Just because I talk a lot, doesn't mean I always know what I'm actually talking about."

"You are precious." Jaime told her. 

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