13. Destructive

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When jaime peered in the next morning he was surprised. He shouldnt have been considering oberyn and ellaria were with everyone on the face of the earth it seemed. But seeing the woman he loved and the woman he was falling for wound up together limbs tangled and a sea of genevas blonde waves across the pillow it made him ache for more. More of Cersei. More of Geneva. More.


"Just Jaime." He corrected as Geneva rolled over a yawn on her lips as her arms lifted up over her head.

"What did your father shout when he was mad at you then? Jaime is not threatening enough." Geneva teased. "I'm sure you two were plenty of trouble." Geneva smirked over at Cersei.


"Sketchy part of town." Geneva remarked as they walked.

"Pryo maester needs to be a bit away from the castle in case-' Cersei began.
"Kaboom." Jaime answered and Geneva smiled up at him.

"Is he trustworthy?" Geneva asked as they walked.

"Yes." Cersei agreed.

"To me." Cersei confirmed.

"To me?" Geneva offered.

"If I say so." Cersei agreed.

"Pyro master... hello. Show me the fire!' Geneva declared with a little shimmy. He looked between the twins and geneva. Cersei nodded.

'Right this way princess.'

'Wonderful.' But geneva stopped and turned around to cersei and jaime. 'Best you two go home and pretend you never saw me. Ignorance is bliss. Less is more. Knowing nothing protects you both and all that." Geneva said innocently.

'Geneva...' jaime said cautiously.

'Go.' Geneva said sweetly kissing their cheeks. 'I will find you later.'

'Come on jaime.' Cersei agreed. 'Give her whatever she needs.' Cersei told the master as she led jaime out

'Right. Where were we?' Geneva smirked. 'I remember reading an old sailors proverb piss on wildfire and your cock burns off.' Geneva said holding the little green jar.

'I do not recommend conducting that experiment it could very well be true the substance burn so hot it melts wood stone and even steal,' the maester said 'and of course flesh, the substance burn so hot it melts flesh like Jell-O.'

"Well I don't have a cock," Geneva told him sweetly.

'after the dragons died wildfire was the key to the Targaryen power.' He went on.

"The starks..." Geneva recalled. 'so many men were burned alive, their screams and the smell of their flesh burning from their body... some say it still lingers."

"It was a sad day, Princes." He agreed. 'the substance is a form that we have been practicing on since the days of the Targaryen reign.' The maester told her

'To do what?' Geneva questioned

'To be flung at the enemy.'

'How much do you have?' Geneva questioned the pyro maester moved to a separate storage

"Lets say pots fall, break which means fire inside the walls which means...' Geneva offered waiting for him to confirm.

"In a building, burn it down.' He told her confused and Geneva nodded slowly.

"How many do you have?"

'we had been working tirelessly day and night ever since her grace commanded us to do so, then Lord Tyrion took a great deal in the battle of the black water-'

'How many?"

"our current count stands at 2213." He told her.

"I am confiscating your stores." Geneva told him.

"How much?"

"All of it." Geneva said simply.

"All of it?"

'Wonderful. Wonderful.' Geneva whispered holding it up to the light. 'Beautiful'

'Destructive.' he warned.

'That's what I'm going for.' Geneva confirmed.


'I like geneva.' Cersei admitted.

'So do I.' Jaime agreed.

'I really like her.' Cersei told him again.

'This morning...'

'She helped me to see that maybe we dont have to see eye to eye. Mouth to mouth is better.' Cersei offered pulling Jaime to her. She kissed him but something felt off.

'Cersei is this coming from a place of love or the fact that geneva is getting my attention likes my attention.' Jaime countered. 'She likes me.'

'She likes me.' Cersei retorted. They stared at each other a long moment. 'So what are we? What are we doing? Competing?'

'Dont be childish cersei.' Jaime said rolling his eyes.

'It feels like a competition.' Cersei admitted 'and you know how much i like to win.'

'Cersei we are not competing for geneva. Thats wrong on so many levels. Besides the fact that she was fucking our father.' He hissed.

'He's dead and we are not.' Cersei reminded him. 'Why should she be deprived?'

'Since when do you like women?' Jaime questioned

'Since Geneva came back with tyrions blood on her hands.' Cersei said wickedly.

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now