4. Dorne

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Dorne...Years ago

Marcella got of the ship to dorne and her little face was still in tears. Marcella's scared little face locked eyes with Geneva. Oberyn didnt care for visitors he was nowhere to be seen but doran and trystane waited with geneva. Geneva stepped forward offering marcella a hand off the ship.

'My name is geneva.' She said kneeling in front of her on the sandy beach. 'You are princess marcella right?' She nodded wiping at her eyes. 'You have the prettiest dress.' Geneva told her and marcella smiled down at her dress biting her lip nervously. 'And your necklace. Very Lannister,' Geneva remarked.

'My mother got it for me.' Marcella told her in a small voice. 'There are only two like it.'

'And your mother has the other?' Geneva questioned

'Yes.' Marcellas fingers touched her necklace.

'It's beautiful. Don't ever lose that. Being here... holding close to that will keep you close to her.' Geneva told her and marcella nodded. 'Do you like to swim?' Marcella nodded. 'Me too! Do you like to sail?' She nodded again. 'Me too!' Geneva said happily. 'Do you want to be my friend marcella?' Geneva asked. Marcella stared at her a moment longer before nodding. 'Wonderful!' Geneva exclaimed standing up. She grabbed marcellas hand leading her to doran and trystane. 'Let's meet two of the coolest guys in dorne.' Geneva suggested 'this is my friend Prince Doran and his son Prince Trystane. Boys this is my new friend princess marcella Lannister.'

'Hello princess,' doran said kindly. 'Welcome to dorne.' Marcella held tight to genevas hand.

'Hello,' trystane said waving at her. Marcella looked up to geneva.

'That was a long ride wasn't it?' Geneva questioned 'you probably want a big meal and get settled.' Geneva offered and marcella nodded again. 'Sorry boys. Come on sweetie lets find you something yummy to eat.' Doran smiled after her. He didn't understand why Oberyn was such an ass, Geneva was the sweetest woman in the world.

'What do you like to eat what's your favorite, favorite, favorite food?' Geneva questioned as they walked 'I can have the chefs cook it for you.' Geneva told her

'I like pie.' she said softly

'Then pie is what you shall have what flavor?"

'Cherry.' she answered

'Cherry red, just like you Lannister's. I should've guessed it.' Geneva said smiling down at her 'now I know your mother would not be happy if she found out I was feeding you just pie.' Geneva said grinning down at her 'so what else can I have them make for you?'

'I like fish.' Marcella said softly

'Me too lucky for you we live right on the water.' Geneva knew how it felt to be alone in a strange place so she is going to make it her mission to help Marcella feel as safe and comfortable and happy here as she possibly could because she was not about to let another girl come to a foreign land and be miserable her entire existence.

She had been miserable with oberyn and although geneva knew trystane was a kind boy like his father and he would treat marcella right it was still scary to be alone.

'This is going to be your room, you can change it however you like we can paint the walls red if you want,' she said smiling down at her. 'I can get you different color drapes and different bedding what ever you want. They had a really wonderful artist come through named Avalon, she was from bravvos and she just created a masterpiece everywhere she went.' Geneva saw the hesitant look on Marcella's face. 'My room is right next door, to the right because I am always right.' she mused 'so if you ever need anything, anything at all I'm right there.' Marcella nodded looking around as her trunks were delivered.

'Some of those dresses from home might be a little too warm here. I remember when I first got here I was boiling so I'll be more than happy to send a seamstress up and we can get your measurements and you can pick out some fabrics get you some new dresses.' Geneva offered. Marcella just stared around the room slowly dragging her fingers along the cabinet and table this wasn't home this would never be home she was going to be miserable here she missed her parents she missed her brother

'Do you wanna be alone? I can leave you alone.' Geneva offered but Marcella shook her head looking back at Geneva 'what can I do sweetheart?'

'Can you stay? I don't wanna be alone.'

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