12. Wildfire

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"Jaime, Jaime, Jaime!" Geneva said running up to him and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Geneva, Geneva, Geneva.' He mimicked.

"I have a question and you cant repeat our conversation to anyone. Also you can't ask questions..." Geneva told him mysteriously. Jaime pondered that. What kind of secret would need to be kept quiet? Did he care?

"Of course." Jaime agreed.

"Oh good your easy." Geneva teased linking her arm with his. "What did Tyrion use to set fire to the water at the battle of black water?"

"Wild fire I believe."

"Wild fire." Geneva repeated. "Do you know how he got that?"

"I don't." Jaime admitted and Geneva nodded still holding onto his arm.

"Cool, cool, cool..." Geneva said nodding.

"Any particular reason you are in a fiery mood?" Jaime pondered.

"What part of no questions did you forget?" Geneva asked sweetly.

"Right." Jaime agreed with a chuckle. "Sorry I couldn't be of more help."

"You were plenty helpful." Geneva assured kissing his cheek. "Bye Jaime." She purred as she let him go.


"Cersei will seek justice same as Loras for their crimes." The sparrow assured.

"That's not good enough!" Margaery felt herself getting angrier.

"It will have to be." The sparrow informed her.

"No, after all she did, she-'

'She will seek peace, same as your brother... perhaps you need to spend more time in prayer." The sparrow offered.

"Of course, you are right... its just... Cersei walks free." Margaery reminded him. "Planning her daughters wedding and... Loras-'

'Cersei did the walk of atonement, she will finish her sentence as the gods see fit." The sparrow assured.

"Of course.' Margaery agreed. "You know best. Forgive my outburst, I will sit in prayer over my thoughts and actions."

"very good." He agreed. "Oh, Princess Geneva. What can I do for you?"

"I can to see the sept, I didn't get a chance to admire it fully last time I was here.' Geneva said innocently. So the sparrow showed her around. "The architecture has always intrigued me." Geneva admitted.

"Yes? The structure is beautiful. It has a layer underneath, where the... unfortunate stay in times of atonement."
"Yes." Geneva agreed nodding. "I wish Oberyn had a chance to try and atone for his sins but some people are just too stuck in their ways." Geneva added sadly.

"Yes. But you remained a faithful wife." The sparrow reminded her. "Trying to steer him back.
"I did." Geneva agreed. Until I came to the capital and found Lannister's very appealing Geneva thought keeping a soft smile on her face. "How big is this place?" Geneva pondered. The sparrow answered all her questions and she kept repeating the numbers in her head as she left. She bumped right into cersei.

"What's up with you?" Cersei questioned holding Geneva still.

"I don't know. What? Nothing." Geneva lied.

"Convincing." Cersei told her smugly. "Come on spill it, you know you want to."

"Yes I do, come on." Geneva declared grabbing her hand. "I just need to write this down before my scatter brain forgets."

"Forgets what?" Cersei questioned.

"OH!" Geneva declared "Wildfire. Do you know where one might get that?"

"What do you want with wildfire?" Cersei questioned.

"Oh I forgot to have you swear to secrecy like I did Jaime although he wasn't as useful as I hoped."

"You spoke to Jaime?" Cersei questioned lightly.
"I did," Geneva agreed. "So wildfire?"

"How did he seem?"

"Fine." Geneva admitted finally turning to her. "What's wrong?"


"Convincing." Geneva countered.

"Whats up with you first." Cersei requested.

"It can wait." Geneva assured. "Tell me."

"You are kind of bossy," Cersei admitted.

"I know. Murder makes me think I'm the boss apparently.' Geneva mused. "Come on. You can trust me." Cersei hesitated and Geneva grabbed her hand. "Trust me... I'm about to do another felony for you." Geneva told her smugly. Cersei chuckled before taking a seat and pulling Geneva to her.

"Jaime and me... we haven't seen eye to eye for a while." Cersei admitted.

"Sometimes its better mouth to mouth than eye to eye." Geneva teased.

"I think that's a good idea." Cersei remarked. Impatient for a taste of her sweet lips, Cersei fisted her hair, tilting her head to capture her mouth.

Geneva's mind went blank. All the thoughts all the crowded thoughts filling her mind drifted away.

'So wildfire?' Cersei questioned pulling back and geneva licked at her lips.

'Sure lets just ignore that...' geneva mused with a chuckle.

'I'm sorry I didn't.... I don't know why I...' cersei began.

'It's okay. We don't have to talk about it.' Geneva told her. 'Yet.' Cersei blushed back at her. 'So Wildfire.'

'What?' Cersei questioned geneva leaned in

'Wildfire.' she whispered against cerseis lips. Cersei cleared her throat as she took a sip of wine.

'I know a pryo maester.' Cersei said breathlessly. Cersei found her confidence so sexy. How she didnt care what others thought. It was different from the sad girl she saw when geneva first arrived.

'Go on.' Geneva urged.

'He made me wildfire and then tyrion stole it from me. What are you thinking?'

'Kaboom.' Geneva whispered getting up. 'Tomorrow you take me to your pyro then Trial and then funeral and then wedding.' Geneva said innocently.

'Geneva.' Cerseis voice barely a whisper but geneva stopped and turned back to her. 'Stay.' A mix between a plea and a demand escaped cerseis lips. Geneva rolled back into the bed her legs crossing over cersei.

'Don't worry. I will handle everything.' geneva assured.

'I'm glad you're here.' cersei whispered

'Here in kings landing or here in your bed?' Geneva offered smugly.

'Here.' Cersei agreed kissing her again.

'Me too.' Geneva agreed. Cersei kept her hand on Genevas face her thumb stroked her cheek. 'Get some rest,' geneva instructed. 'Big day tomorrow.'

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now