6. Red

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Geneva lay in tywins bed. She stared up at the ceiling her arms outstretched. She didnt know if being here was helping or hurting. At first seeing the Jaime and cersei, marcella was fun and a flood of good memories but as she lay in the silence the pain radiating through her the memory of him dying right here. She sat up feeling a tightness in her chest.

'Oberyn is dead'

'Oberyn is dead.' Tywin confirmed

'Could I stay? Here. At the capital. With you...' geneva questioned batting her eyelashes at him.

'Be my wife.' Tywin told her. 'I won't treat you as oberyn did. I swear it.'

'Yes.' she said immediately. He devours her mouth with his, lapping his tongue against hers. She was his now, and forever never sounded so good.

His arms encircling her gave her a deep and comforting sense of being protected...nurtured...loved.

Geneva wrapped her arms around herself.

Tyrion walked in on them tywin pulled a blanket up over Geneva's bare body pulling her to him trying to protect her from tyrions possible rage when he saw the cross bow in his hands.

She stared at the door, stared where he stood. She couldn't believe what he did.

"Tyrion. Put down the crossbow. Who released you? Your brother, I expect. He always had a soft spot for you...." Tyrion tightened the grip on the crossbow, he had the upper hand, Tywin pulled Geneva behind him she stared at Tyrion his face pinched, agony flowing through him. "This is how you want to speak to me, hmm? Shaming your father has always given you pleasure."

"All my life you've wanted me dead." Tyrion reminded him, tywin nodded in agreement he felt Geneva's soft hands at his back.

Geneva lay back down closing her eyes but the memory replayed, over and over, his words echoing in her mind. Maybe this was a very bad idea.

"Yes. But you refused to die. I respect that. Even admire it. You fight for what's yours. I'd never let them execute you. Is that what you fear? I'll never let Ilyn Payne take your head. You're a Lannister. You're my son." Silence filled the room while Tywin tried to read his sons expression, deciding if Tyrion was actually going to shoot him.

"I loved her."



"Oh, Tyrion... she was a whore, what about that don't you understand? Just put the crossbow down.' Tywin demanded but Tyrion shot at him. Tyrion raised the crossbow threatening his father to say that word again. "And what? You'll kill your own father? No. You're my son. Now, enough of this nonsense."

"I am your son and you sentenced me to die. You knew I didn't poison Joffrey, but you sentenced me all the same. Why?"

Geneva looked to the spot in the wall where the first arrow had struck, her fingers grazed the little hole in the wood.

"Enough. Let me get some pants on and we can speak with some dignity."

'You love her, don't you?" Tyrion questioned nodding to Geneva.

"I do.'

I do. Geneva repeated softly.

"I loved Shae and you turned her on me, why do you get to be happy and I don't?" Tyrion pondered and Tywin opened his mouth to speak but without hesitation, Tyrion released the arrow, shooting it into his father's stomach. Tywin flew backwards, tipping back in Geneva she screamed out. He gripped the arrow, gasping in pain.

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now