10. Dress

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Lover // Daario Naharis is out now!!


Marcella loved Geneva. She didn't understand why prince oberyn treated her so poorly.

'What's on your mind my sweet?' Geneva questioned

'You actually.' Marcella told her

'Me?' Geneva questioned

'You are so wonderful. You would make a wonderful mother. Why are you and prince oberyn not... together?'

'Oberyn has his... hobbies. I have mine. We have nothing in common and marriage was forced upon us. Very few get the chance to fall in love before they are wed. You and trystane are lucky you get the chance to fall.' Geneva told her simply.

'I'm falling.' marcella admitted sheepishly

'I'm glad. I know he is too.' Geneva told her.


Present Day

Cersei and geneva helped marcella pick out a dress to walk down the aisle in. Cersei and geneva drank and talked as marcella modeled.

'Jaime told me that marcella knows.' Cersei said vaguely and geneva curled her legs up unto the couch and looked over at her. 'You slipped up as well.' Cersei remarked

'Did i?' Geneva asked innocently

'How do you know?' Cersei questioned innocently.

'I overheard ellaria talking to him. Threatening him slightly,' geneva admitted.

'Yet you saved marcella? Our hideous act brought to light.' Cersei mused

'I don't think you choose who you love.' Geneva told her. 'I think many people fall in and out of love but it is rare to love someone for years to come.'

'I don't know that I love him like that anymore. Not for a while.' Cersei admitted

'Why not? He is handsome and brave, he loves his children he risked a war with dorne to get marcella back.' Geneva offered. 'I see the way he looks... looked at you.' she corrected.

'I saw the way my father looked at you. I hadn't seen him look that way at anyone... not since mother.' Cersei told her. Geneva turned her eyes back to marcella

'Oh that's beautiful.' Geneva applauded


'Yes. Thats the one.' Cersei said staring at geneva. Geneva glance back at cersei before smiling up at marcella she let her legs fall to the ground as she rose.

'So beautiful trystane is not going to know what hit him.' Geneva told her framing marcellas hair around her face.


'Doran!' Geneva exclaimed running up to him

'I hate traveling.' he remarked hugging her tight.

'I know.' Geneva told him

'I hate traveling without you.' Doran corrected.

'Of course you do who was to keep you entertained for hours on end.' Geneva mused. 'I'm glad you are here.'

'Me too. I cant believe my son is getting married.'

'Really? 5 years being engaged and you still havent gotten it through that thick head of hair.' Geneva teased running her fingers through his hair.

'I have always wanted a daughter.' Doran remarked

'Marcella is a good daughter to have.' geneva added

'That she is.' Doran agreed. He leaned on her as she helped him up the beaches.

'Without me keeping you on your toes I see you gained weight.' geneva teased. 'You used to be lighter.'

'Perhaps you are just weaker not having to fight with oberyn daily.' doran countered

'Touché.' geneva said grinning as he wrapped an arm around her. 'I had a chair prepared it rolls and everything. I read that a targaryens son years ago had one and thought you would like it.'

'So sweet you are.' Doran told her softly. 'How is finding love in the capital going?'

'Friendship.' Geneva corrected. 'For now.'

'I'm glad. Although it was kind of nice being your only friend.'

'That's rude you know I'm your only friend too. We were both loaners.' Geneva reminded him.

'And now you have all these friends in the capital, that worship the ground you walk on.' Doran went on with a smirk.

'I don't know about that,' she said with a laugh, she noticed Jaime waiting for them. 'But I do have friends here but you will always be my first friend in Westeros.' Geneva told him.

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now