7. Damage

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Walk of atonement. Margaery stood clothed and ready to be striped and shamed for then this hell would be over.

'Richer poor noble or common if we sin we must atone Margaery of house Tyrell came to us a sinner she stood before the gods in the holy sept and lied. She turned a blind eye to her brother sins, she disgraced her house her king and herself.' the high sparrow told the people as they stood before them but Jamie Lannister came along with his guards marching ahead. Margaery saw her father ride up as well

'Sorry to interrupt we're here for Queen Margaery and Loras Tyrell give them to us and will be on Our Way,' Jamie said confidently and Margaery felt a breath of relief fill her Olena looked up confidently at her granddaughter.

'I don't have the authority to give them to you and you don't have the authority to take them.' the high sparrow told him. Jamie marched his horse up the steps and the kings guard prepared themselves

'I speak for King Tommen of the house Baratheon first of his name.' Jamie said

'The gods don't recognize his authority in this matter.'

'You've already insulted one great house it won't happen twice. every last sparrow will die before Margaery Tyrell walks down that street.' Jaime told him.

'to die in the service of the gods would please each and every one of us.' the sparrow told him 'we are prepared for it. But there is no call for that today.' he admitted 'there will be no walk of atonement.' Margaery tried to keep her head held high as she was confused on what was happening

'Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the true light of the seven,' he admitted 'together we announce a new age of harmony a holy alliance between the crown and the faith.' he said as Tommen emerged joining hands with his wife there was a roar of approval from the towns people below. All Jamie's hard work he stared up at them but he was happy there's less blood shed since he had returned one handed he wasn't much of a fighter but working with the man that made Tommen's own mother do a walk of atonement her hair cut her body stripped of clothes as she walked the streets people shouted at her throwing stones and food at her. Jaime couldn't believe his son would do such a thing.

'The crown and the faith.' Tommen said 'are the twin pillars upon which the world rests together we will restore the seven kingdoms to glory.' he told them.


'This doesn't seem like a good idea.' Geneva remarked.

"No.' Cersei agreed.

"You don't like Margaery. The queen.' Geneva noted.

"No.' she agreed. 'I don't.'

'She puts on a lovely act.' Geneva remarked.

"You see it to?'

"Of course I have been around liars and cons my whole life, this one is no different.' Geneva told her.

'Jaime tried to save her the shame I had to suffer.' Cersei told her softly.

'He is a good man.' Geneva told her.

'He can be.' Cersei agreed.

'He is your brother and you love him very much.'

'I used to.' Cersei admitted. 'but...'

'you lose a child and that changed the relationship.' Geneva told her.

'Have you ever had children?'

"no.' Geneva said slowly. 'I didn't think I wanted children.' Geneva told her. 'I got Marcella, she is the sweetest, I felt like she was a little bit mine when she was at dorne.'

'I'm glad she had you looking out for her.' Cersei admitted. 'especially knowing you now it makes me feel even better about the whole ordeal. Tyrion... he was always a monster.' Cersei told her.

"I know.' She said softly. Jaime came walking up to them.

"Well?" Geneva questioned.

'The crown and the church are one.' Jaime told them.

'Kings landing is doomed.' Geneva told them.

"Any ideas on how to change that statement?" Cersei questioned and Geneva smiled at her innocently.

"Come on you must have a plan.' Jaime agreed.

'Depends the type of damage you want to ensue.' 

Falling for You // Cersei Lannister// Jaime Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now