I : Beginning of the unlikely

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'*Grunts*....my head hurts. What happened ?'

I find myself waking up on my bed. I don't know what is the current time, but I do feel like this is still in the middle of the night, probably close to morning. 

My head has never been feeling dizzy whenever I wakes up. Even if it does, I don't remember it ever being this painful almost like a migraine.

I need to know what happened last night but-...Argh....It hurts way too damn much to think right now. Maybe some relaxation would help, I should lay down and let my head rest. Though I want a clear answer it's best to just wait and let myself rest easy. 


Hold on a second, something feels off. I never sleep naked and yet here I am with nothing under my blanket. Not even a boxer and that's a must when I'm sleeping. Not to mention my groin and blanket are wet, like a glass of water poured down onto it or something. Also this seems ridiculous but it smell.....enticing ? If that makes any sort of sense. It's not a smell of sweat that's for sure.

Something is off, my intuition is running wild telling me I just messed up bad. But what did I do exactly ? I'm scratching my head just thinking about it.

And then during that moment it hit me, I was not alone in my room, or more accurately on my bed. I heard a mild "Pur" noise sounded almost like a feline sleeping. My eyes slightly adjusted to the darkness of the room until I can see something next to me. Like some sort of bulge except this one was emitting the "Pur" sound i heard earlier. 

Something is underneath this.

I peeked below the blanket slowly to see a blueish body, fin like tail and a large head curled up like a ball sleeping. It was my Vaporeon. 

'Oh so she was right beside me the whole time.'

Heh, I thought it was a ghost or something but I guess I was scared for nothing. Alright now-......

'Hold on a second.'

Why the hell is Vaporeon here ? I don't think ever once in my life she ever entered the room and sleep right next to me. Not to mention I'm here naked, with my head hurts.....and....I have no recollection about last night ?

Suddenly I feel like the puzzle pieces becomes more and more apparent. It felt unreal yet it feels like it was the conclusion I ended up getting. Fuck, did I messed up that bad....it wouldn't be right ? Of course.....

'Okay, calm yourself down. Let's just get out of the bed and-'

Trying to get out of the bed, I removed the blanket covering my body and tried walking away into the bathroom with my intent to freshen myself up. But then, I stepped on something soft like a clothing fabric.

I glanced below to see that I'm stepping on a cloth, near it was my pants and my boxer. It's messy as if someone threw this in a rush.....or I actually threw away my clothes in a rush.

'Oh.....Oh no...'

 This sight was more than prove that what happened last night was indeed truly what I had expected, and I disliked every single thoughts my mind was coming up.

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