VI : Suppressed ardour

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Combating with his inner emotion the trainer's mind finally gave up that it puts him unconscious. Before his body fall into the ground I managed to hold him still with telekinesis and slowly puts him next to the tree he once slept on.

Looking at his face I noticed that he have an eye bag on his face. Sigh, I told him multiple times to not push himself. I wonder how can someone focuses so hard on one thing that they essentially forgets about their well being ? Looking at his obviously sleep deprived face I begin to wonder how much sleep is he getting recently ?

Even though I'm an Espeon my telepathy isn't complete. I can only relay my thoughts but not read someone's mind. Predicting what they are thinking by reading the mood is generally what I tend to do. Sometimes my prediction is spot on making them think that I somehow have the ability to mind read.

Then again, even if I do have mind read, lingering in someone's mind is annoying, I won't use it on everybody.

I don't think I have anything to do right now other than just staying here looking out on him. Might as well inspect the leg wound from the previous days. That might be difficult though, he's wearing that usual slim fit pants. I don't think I can just undress him without his consent. Guess that's a no then.

His arms though.

From what I've heard, he uses his arm to block the attack from directly hitting his face. His arm is surprisingly sturdy. Sturdy enough to block such move, even managed to ricochet them away. Never knew that a human body is capable of such feats. Even I myself struggled to block a direct hit from a stone edge.


His left arm, there's a visible scar on the forehand. Shaped like a messed up circle. It's not big but definitely noticeable. Though he did tried to cover it by using a long sleeves sweater. I guess he couldn't just go to his class with a visible wound on his arm.

I scowled to the sight of the exhausted trainer. Wounded, tired and charmed, forced to so things he refuses. This week has been very hard for him. For such a kind person, life sure liked to throw in a lot of difficulties at him.

'And you said we worked hard.'

Looking back at his previous hustle I couldn't help but to frown at the thoughts of how badly he thinks of himself. My trainer is someone who's kind hearted. The type of people that knows the boundaries of actual living being and tools. He didn't treat us like some kind of a foreign object used for entertainment during combat.

He accepts us as a part of a family. A unity that sets us together, bonding our ties stronger than anything else.

We couldn't care less to fight in an arena or to duel. Decidueye, Vaporeon and myself, in our previous life we had already experienced it. The one thing any warrior would fight for, the struggling string of death.

Fight is not what we seek.

With a slight hesitation I approached him, looking closer into his face. I'm curious. I don't know why but everytime I stare deeply into his face I can start to see something. But, I can't tell what is it that attracts me so much ?

I just felt like doing it.

If the trainer sees me inspecting him this close he would probably started to question me, whilst having a blush on his face almost like he had seen his long life crush. Such adorable feat that one couldn't simply forget.

Stepping back from him, I tried to sit down, putting all four of my legs tucked inside below my body. I think the humans called them "Loaf" ? I have no idea what that supposed to mean but they all seemed entertained by the fact that felines tucked their feets under their belly. At least I didn't care enough to really know what that even means.

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