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'So Justin what's your favorite subject in school?' James asked Justin outside on the sun lounge the next day. Justin had stepped out because he didn't want to be in the house with Sangwon and James, but James had followed him. He felt so uncomfortable, and if he had the confidence to tell James to leave, he would have.

'I like everything,' he answered briefly.

'You must be a smarty pants huh?' James sat down on the other sun lounge and faced Justin.

'You can say that.' he nodded.

'Any hobbies?'

Justin shook his head.

James looked down at his hands trying to figure out what to say next, before he looked back at Justin. 'I heard you love drawing and you also play the violin?'

This was so boring and uncomfortable for Justin. He wished he could just text October_rooster instead. Any other conversation he had felt superficial and forced.

'I like to draw,' he forced himself to speak. 'But I only play the violin because my mother wants me to play.'

'Oh parent's expectations, I get it. It's okay to mess up a lot though, that's what I always do. And I'm happier than any obedient kid.' he winked.

Justin didn't like James. He and James were so different. Justin hated trouble, so he consequently wanted to stay away from it, and he's always wanted to stay away from troublemakers. October_rooster always told him to stay away from trouble too, and that always stuck with him.

'Why are you talking to me?' Justin suddenly asked.


'You're cool, I'm not. I bet everyone at school adores you.' Justin explained, for once speaking more than he usually did. 'You don't have to talk to me because I'm Sangwon's cousin.'

James chuckled. 'You're cute.'

Justin slightly blushed.

'As in adorable,' James quickly clarified reached out for Justin's head and ruffled his hair. Justin didn't particularly like being touched, so he felt like shrinking away from James. He really didn't like James.


'How did it go?' Sangwon asked James when he had walked back into the  room a while later.

'Bad, I don't think he likes me.' James answered honestly.

'What!? But everyone likes you!' his friend asked in utter shock. 'You're joking right?'

'I wish I was.'

'What now?'

'I guess for your sake I'm gonna have to keep trying,'

'You don't have to,' a familiar voice said from the front doorway. The two looked towards the door and saw Justin walking in.

'Oh no,' Sangwon groaned and face palmed. Now Justin had found another reason to not talk about his issue.

'No really,' Justin continued as he walked past them and walked towards the stairs. 'You don't have to pretend you like me for the sake of your friend anyway...James.'

'No,' James slowly stood up, trying to fix the situation for Sangwon. 'I do like talking to you, really. But Sangwon also wanted me to help him out, it's not like I'm merely doing it just for him.'

Justin grabbed the railing of the stairs. 'Just don't try to talk to me...both of you.' He started to run up the stairs to his designated room.

'Wait!' James cried out impulsively.

Sangwon instead got up and grabbed his shoulders. 'Let him be, he's just so stubborn when it comes to sharing his feelings.'

James sighed and looked at his best friend sympathetically. 'I'm really sorry. I was trying.'

'I know.'

'You'll still let me hang out here right?' James nudged his best friend with a small smirk.

Sangwon forced a smile. 'If you're gonna help me fix the garage tomorrow. Dad says he wants it spotless.'

James took in a deep breath. He didn't feel like cleaning anything, in fact, he never cleaned. But his friend was saving him from being under his parents' wrath, it was only fair that he helped. 'Fine Sangwon.'

'We'll start at 7am.'

James groaned once more when he heard the time. 'Fine!' 


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