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By 7 am, Justin and James had both returned to their respective homes. Justin didn't expect the front door to be open, but when he pushed it, he found that it was. His mother and father were asleep in the living room, and they immediately woke up when he entered.

'Justin!' his mother exclaimed and got up from the couch. 'Where were you!? What happened!?'

'Oh,' he quickly answered. 'I forgot to tell you I was writing a group assignment at my classmates' house.' he lied. 'I'm so sorry.'

'Why didn't you pick up your phone?' his father was the next to ask.

'Phones weren't allowed,' he replied. 'I'm really sorry mom and dad, I should have said it sooner.' he almost asked where Sangwon was, but that would give him away since he wasn't supposed to know that Sangwon had reached the house if he was out the previous night.

'Your cousin came,' his mother informed him with perfect timing. 'He really wanted to see you. But unfortunately, because he has school today, he had to leave very early. He was constantly praying that you were okay.'

Justin internally smiled, at least he had avoided the conversation with Sangwon.

'Justin don't ever do that again,' his father warned him. 'You really almost gave us a heart attack. From now on, you'll always inform us when you're out. You got that buddy?'

'Yes dad,' he answered. 'It won't happen again.'

He quickly ran up the stairs once he was done talking to his worried yet relieved parents. He had to get ready for school which was in an hour.


An hour later, Justin sat in class waiting for their first period. The math teacher was late, which was a rare situation seeing as how he usually loved to come too early and leave lessons late.

'Wow she still likes him?' a girl behind him asked her friend. 'I never knew Wonyoung could like someone that much.'

Justin already had a feeling of who the two girls were talking about, and it made his breath hitch. He felt like they knew that he was in front of them and were doing it on purpose, wanting to see how he would react. People in the school were very good at provoking each other.

'Me neither. James is very hot though.' her friend replied. 'But do you think he would leave Justin for Wonyoung?'

Justin was very curious to hear what those girls thought about that.

'I don't know, what if he continues to date Justiin but secretly goes out with Wonyoung.'

Her friend gasped. 'It's so possible! Because there's really no way to know.'

'What if they're even already secretly texting as we speak?'

It was something Justin hadn't thought of, and it was unfortunate that those girls were clouding up his thinking. No, James wouldn't cheat on him. There was absolutely no way. But then again, they were right. It would be impossible for Justin to really know whether James was cheating or not. Besides, it was Wonyoung, the most beautiful girl in school. Would he be able to resist her? The thought scared him.

He wondered if it was necessary to check James' cell phone. The math teacher then came in, and he now tried to focus on the knowledge in front of him rather than relationship matters.


By break time, Justin had already made up his mind.

'James,' Justin told him once he had stood behind James by his locker. 'I don't really know how to keep my phone safe – what security do you have on your phone?'

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