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All of October_rooster's favorite music playing downstairs made Justin think about his online friend.

He remembered moments were October_rooster had managed to make him blush over his insidious comments. The conversation almost flashed in his mind, making him smile even in this moment.

Justin_takagi06: I don't think I'll really find anyone to ever date me though

October_rooster: no way, I'm sure you will. I'd date you.

Justin_takagi06: you really would?

October_rooster: why not? You're sweet, innocent and really handsome. Everyone would be lucky to date you, too bad I'll never get that chance.

Justin covered his face with the polka dot pillow on his bed. The thought of October_rooster liking him always brought overwhelmingly positive thoughts to him. Even though he had no idea what October_rooster looked like, being liked by him was incredible.

He just wished he could meet him one day, just somehow, and maybe they could even date. Did he have a crush on his online friend? Yes. But safe to say, his online friend probably had a crush on him too.

'Aw no!' Justin heard Hikaru's voice complain downstairs, pulling him out of his thoughts about October_rooster. It was now late in the afternoon as the three friends entered the living room, coming from the garage.

'Wait what the hell did you do!?' Sangwon was the next to speak. 'You messed up pretty badly and you don't wanna tell me.'

'Can you stop dude!?' James screamed. 'I'm so stressed right now, you have no idea.'

'We could help you out if you told us what happened.' Sangwon suggested.

'Nothing can fix it.'

Justin was slightly curious, but it was none of his business after all. He decided to ignore their conversation and continue thinking about October_rooster. He put on his headsets and played another recommended song from the playlist he had received. A smile made its way to his face.

After he had listened to two songs, he suddenly felt an urgent tap on his leg. He took off his earpods and turned around, only to be met by his cousin.

'Yes?' he asked politely, although he didn't appreciate Sangwon disturbing his alone time.

'Can you come down for a moment?' Sangwon suggested.

Justin didn't feel like going there and meeting Sangwon's friends, but he didn't have an appropriate excuse. He got up from the bed and followed Sangwon out of the bedroom. He rubbed his hands at the back of his head as they went downstairs.

James was sitting on the living room couch next to Hikaru, looking devastated or deeply troubled. Hikaru seemed to be looking at him sympathetically, but as the empath Justin had realized he may be, he felt that her sympathy or sadness was a bit forced.

Justin was curious though, he looked at James curiously.

'His parents are transferring him to another school because of whatever he messed up,' Sangwon told Justin as he sat down on the couch. 'Not only to another school, to another city.'

Justin still didn't understand what this had to do with him, but he simply looked at James.

'Everything will change for him, and he loved this place. But by the end of summer break, he's moving in with his sister in Old Oakland.'

Justin wasn't sure where this was going, but he knew he didn't want it to be that way. He lived in Old Oakland, was James going to be going to his school or not?

'I'm trynna tell him that it's not that bad though,' Sangwon continued as he crossed his legs on the couch. 'And I've assured him that he'll have your company and you'll help him get through it. You'll keep him company right?'

Justin looked at his cousin in surprise. He didn't even know James, James was Sangwon's friend, not his. Where was he even going to start from?

'Of course Justin will,' Hikaru nodded as if she knew Justin well. 'He wouldn't let James be so alone without any company.'

'Well,' Justin started. 'James is cool, he won't have a hard time making friends. He won't need me.'

'I do need a friend for the first weeks even if that's the case.' James looked at him sadly, almost as if he wasn't the same annoying person who talked too much.

Justin looked down at James on the couch. He couldn't even imagine being seen around with James, let alone hanging out with him. He was so attractive and also looked like trouble. They were complete opposites. Would they even find something to talk about? And if they magically became friends, wouldn't he get Justin in trouble? But he had no choice, it was hard to say no.

'Oh you're worried I'll get in the middle of your friends? Chill, I won't be too...' James started.

'He doesn't have friends.' Sangwon said flatly.

'Oh great, then he'll need me.' James smiled and got up. He suddenly hugged Justin as if he were his saving grace. 'Maybe you'll make school more bearable.'

Justin felt heat in his cheeks at the sudden contact. He hadn't been this close to a good-looking guy before.

He slowly returned the hug to James. He felt James sigh against him, he was really worried. Perhaps the best Justin could really do was to give him some company.

James mindlessly looked at the ceiling and rubbed Justin's hair. 'I don't know why I messed up like that.' he said to himself.

'Like what?' Justin wondered, thinking he was talking to him.

'Oh nothing,' he quickly laughed. 'Thinking out loud.'

Sangwon threw a cushion from the chair at them. 'Hey can you guys stop that!? You look like a couple!' he laughed.

The three friends laughed as James let go of Justin, but Justin didn't laugh along, he didn't particularly like those jokes.

Now he had to deal with thoughts of having this new guy around him after summer break, and school was just around the corner.


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