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Justin felt like an idiot, but he found himself waiting for Sangwon and James to return from the club. He sat in the living room waiting impatiently; he just had to see James. He was no longer just James, he was October_rooster; that alone made him special to him.

He watched the clock tick continuously; 1 am, 2 am, 3 am. He didn't understand how he had fallen asleep, but he opened his eyes at around 3:30 am. He was roused by the sound of the door opening, and then all his sleep was suddenly gone. He was too excited to see James.

He bolted up from the couch, only to be disappointed by Sangwon being the only one walking through the white wooden door.

'You're still awake?' Sangwon asked in surprise then shut the door once he had entered.

'Where's James?' he suddenly asked.

'James?' Sangwon asked him as if he hadn't heard him well. It was a strange question coming from Justin who didn't seem to like James much.

'Yes.' he sounded desperate.

'What's going on?' Sangwon raised a brow at his cousin. 'Anyway, James went straight home. He doesn't want his parents to know he went to the club.'

'Is he coming tomorrow?'

'He'll be coming every day. Now spill it, what's going on?

'No it's nothing. I was curious that's all.' he hoped his lie made sense. 'Um goodnight.'

'Goodnight.' Sangwon answered skeptically, he knew Justin was hiding something from him. Why would he stay up all night waiting for James?

Either way, he decided to ignore whatever it was. Justin was one hell of a headache.


Justin found himself waking up earlier than usual that morning. He didn't leave his room, but he listened for James' voice to know when he had arrived. A part of him told him he was being too desperate, but his desire to see James was strong enough to get him to ignore what his other side was saying.

It almost seemed like the universe was playing with him; that morning of all mornings, James was late. It almost felt like something or someone didn't want them to meet after Justin's discovery.

'James didn't come?' a familiar voice asked downstairs. It was Hikaru who had just arrived in the kitchen. Justin would have surely loved if the person who had arrived was James instead.

'No,' Sangwon replied to her. 'He probably had a hangover or something. We went to his favorite club yesterday.'

'A hangover?' she asked in a rather annoyed tone. 'James is so frustrating. It almost feels like he doesn't care about his life or anything else. Now he's dragging you into his silliness.'

Justin was still so confused as to why James was acting like this, he didn't sound like October_Rooster at all. From their conversations on Instagram, he was sure that James was wise and disciplined. Yet here he was making a mess.

'I went to the club myself though.' Sangwon somewhat defended him, not wanting Hikaru to think James was the bad influence who had dragged him to the club.

'Well you wouldn't have gone if it weren't for him, would you?' she countered. 'He's just so tiresome and I'm kind of glad he's moving away.' she admitted. 'Oh I know I shouldn't say that about your best friend but I think it's about time he learned responsibility and at least become a better person. He got a bit annoying.'

'Yeah.' Sangwon agreed.

Justin was surprised that James' own best friend also felt it was better for him to go away. Either Sangwon and Hikaru were terrible friends or James was really an unbearable level of annoying. But there was no way he could unbearably annoying, he was a sweet person according to what Justin knew.

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