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'Hey, what are you doing here?' a voice asked him. At first it seemed like it was coming from far away before his mind cleared and he realized the person was near. 'Hey kid,' the person repeated.

Justin opened his eyes and was surprised to see the sun had set and the sky darkening outside the window. He didn't understand why he had slept so long when he wasn't even that exhausted.

He looked at the janitor who had spoken to him. 'I'm sorry,' Justin apologized. He quickly stood up and put his bag on his bag. He then checked his cell phone to see the time; it was 18:06. The missed calls from his parents proved to him that he had stayed way too long after school – unfortunately his phone was on silent. If it wasn't, it could have woken him earlier.

He was panting by the time he had arrived in front of their house. As he approached it, he could hear the urgent and desperate voices of his parents. But there was a third voice which he didn't expect to hear from the house.

'Isn't he supposed to be here by now?' the voice asked as desperate as his parents – it was Sangwon.

'He is,' Justin's father agreed.

'Why is he doing this today of all days? I really need to urgently talk to him.'

He did not want to talk to Sangwon, he knew what it was going to be about. He didn't want to deal with this again. But what was he going to do? The moment Sangwon saw him, he would probably start talking about James and his persistent reasons about why Justin shouldn't date him.

Without thinking, Justin turned around and quickly left. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was that he didn't want to be home and hear everyone's thoughts on why James was a bad guy.

Justin finally decided to go to the only place he could. It was almost 7 pm when he knocked on the door to James' apartment.

James opened the door a moment later then smiled in surprise when he saw his boyfriend. 'What are you doing here? It's not like I'm complaining though.'

Justin forced a smile back as he looked at James who was standing in the doorway. He was still very tired from running, still slightly panting. 'I just don't want to be home, can I stay here a while?'

He nodded. 'Sure. My sister isn't in anyway so...'

'Wait,' Justin grabbed James' hand. 'If I stay here, Sangwon will come looking for me and he'll find me. Then you'll get in trouble.'

'Sangwon is here?' James asked in confusion.

Justin sighed. 'Yeah.'

'I see.' he nodded. 'One second.' he walked into the apartment, then returned with his wallet. He then switched off the light in the living room and shut the door. He then locked it and placed the keys underneath the welcome mat in the corridor.

'What are you doing?'

'Well I guess if Sangwon might come here, we're just gonna have to go somewhere else.' he replied as he took his cell phone out of his pocket and started walking ahead Justin. 'Let me just text my sister that the keys are underneath the mat.'

Justin was skeptical about the plan, but at the same time he was excited to follow James.


'James,' Justin said nervously and grabbed unto his arm. 'They won't let us in, they need ID.'

They were currently standing at the reception of a cheap motel downtown.

'Of course I know that,' James answered as he handed some bills to the receptionist. 'Why do you think we came to this cheap motel? Cause they don't require ID, all they want is cash.'

Craving (JJ x James)Where stories live. Discover now