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James woke up at around 4 am, his arms still wrapped around Justin's body. He sat up and looked at the angelic looking boy for a moment, but then he suddenly regretted everything. Why did he do that? Yes, he did it because Justin was cute, but how was he going to even handle this situation now?

'I hate him,' he said to himself. He just wanted Justin to disappear now. He placed his arm on Justin's shoulder and shook him rather harshly.

Justin opened his drowsy eyes and turned to him. 'Huh?'

'What time are you leaving?' there was a thick unfriendliness in his voice.

Justin looked at him in confusion. 'I don't know, I should be there before my parents wake up though. Maybe 6 am.' he sat up and looked outside the window. 'Why'd you wake me up? It's still dark outside.'

'I want you to go.' he said plainly.

'What? Why?' he asked desperately. 'How can you want me to go at this time? And you sound so...mad.'

'Does it matter why I want you to go? Just leave.'

Justin didn't understand completely, but somehow he did. Was James doing all this because he really didn't want to like Justin but ended up liking him anyway?

But maybe that wasn't it, maybe it was really that James had simply kissed him because he was attractive as everyone usually said, and now he just didn't care anymore.

'James...did the kiss mean anything to you?' he ended up asking just to know the truth.

'No it didn't.' he answered with a forced chuckle. In reality, the kiss had meant so much to James, it felt special; it almost felt like his first kiss even though it wasn't. There was something magical in it, and if he could do it again, he could. But he couldn't tell Justin that.

Justin nodded. 'I'll just go then.'

'Good.' James answered regretfully and watched Justin as he got off the bed. He went over the study desk he had been drawing on, and he got a devious idea. He was sad, but that sadness was soon mixing with anger at James. He furiously grabbed one of the rolled papers – but it was the one he had initially planned for James to have, leaving him with the paper that was supposed to be Justin's. He then grabbed his hoodie and put it on, ready to walk into the night.

'See you later,' Justin walked out of the room angrily and almost slammed the door. He had to control his feelings, he was going to get a degree of revenge anyway.

He made his way to the living room and met Keran who had just walked in. She was removing her coat and putting it on the rack when she looked at Justin in surprise.

'Hey kid, where are you going?' she wondered. 'Do you know what the time is?'

'I know,' he nodded. 'But I need to get home. Thanks for letting me stay.'

'Will your parents pick you up?'

'No but...James wants me to leave.' he finished the sentence lowly.

'Wants you to what!?' she sounded furious. 'What is wrong with that kid!? Wait...'

'No it's fine...'

'It's not. Why does he think he can treat anyone the way he wants? Come on.' she beckoned Justin for them to get to the corridor and find James' room.

'But it's really fine.' nonetheless, he followed. He knew she probably wouldn't let it go, she already seemed exacting to begin with, and James was surely going to curse Justin for making things worse.

Keran knocked on James' door a bit too hard, it probably scared James inside. Without waiting for a response, she opened the door and walked in.

'Geez!' James screamed. 'What's the big idea!? Why are you coming into my room at this time!?'

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