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Next day all malhotra siblings were coming back home so they didn't let me go by train. They were gonna give me ride back home. All woke up early and after getting fresh, they were present at dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning....!" Sameer was the last one who came in dining room. Like usual he was in good mood. Now Ellie started serving breakfast and all started eating whatever they wanted to eat.

"Nandni I hope you slept nicely....!" Aanya asked polity and I nodded my head. After so tiring and stressful day I really had deep slumber. Morning can't be more refreshing as the most annoying- malhotra wasn't there.

I was little surprised if they already have settled their small hand bags in their cars already, it means after breakfast they will leave asap. But then why that arrogant I mean Manik malhotra was still sleeping. He's always creepy and mysterious.

Exactly one hour later all were outside in the huge yard to leave. Three black shiny cars were ready for them. I was just thinking why three cars when I saw in first car there were two mascular men sitting at front seats. Looking at their black suits and black glasses I was sure they were guards.

In the middle one, Rohan was at passenger seat and at driver seat there was another men in white uniform, looks like their driver.

"With Rohan me and you will go in that car....!" after putting her wallet in her hand bag Aanya stopped closer to me. I nodded my head silently while looking at the last car. Ishan and Sameer were standing beside that car, means they will go in that one.

Still my mind was stuck at one particular devil who wasn't here and to my surprise even no one was saying anything about him. As all of them settled in cars Ellie came running towards us. Looking at her hand she was holding one mobile.

"Aanya, your mobile....!" Ellie said while extending her hand towards Aanya.

"Oh my goodness. Thanks Ellie auntie. I totally forgot...!" Aanya took mobile and I saw glimpse of worry in her eyes. She's always a person in happiest mood but at the moment that happiness was missing.

"Ellie auntie take care of him. Don't let him go outside at late night. And just make sure he should eat on time. You know how careless he is.....!" and Aanya's words just surprised me. I was sure she was talking about Manik but still I was confused why he wasn't coming back home when all are going.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I will take care of him. Say my hello to all your family. Have safe journey. Good bye....!" Ellie said while moving her hand gently at her cheek.

"Sure Ellie auntie. Good bye....!" Aanya smiled back, as Ellie took few steps away from car to let them go. Ishan and sameer's car was the first one, that left the malhotra house. I was in deep thoughts looking out of the window when car was moving backwards to exit from the gate.

My heart jumped out of my throat as I looked up. For just one second, from one huge window I saw a reflection of tall figure. Before I could make sure that it was just my imagination or really someone was there looking at all of them leaving, car already took a sharp turn and we were at main road. I tried to look back but car were already have moved ahead of the gate.


"Aanya are you ok....!" I asked lowly so that driver or Rohan couldn't listen. She smiled brightly but I know behind those sun glasses those eyes weren't sparkling like usual.

"I'm fine....!" she whispered, trying her best to be as confident as she could dare. But looking at my doubtful expressions she knew it, I'm not believing her. Taking deep breath she removed her glasses and looking at her hands she folded it lazily.

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