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"I hate you monster...!" I mumbled while harshly wiping my tears with the back of my hand. He always fight with me, always makes me cry. I never cried in my whole life, how much he made me cry in these few months. At one hand I wanted to go into my room but at other hand I was so distressed to even move from the place where he left me.

As soon I listened the click sound of opening door I realised he was even back after having shower and I didn't even move an inch from his bed. I thought after coming out he will ask me rudely that why I was still here but instead of saying anything he simply looked at me and then went towards the vanity mirror. Wrapping towel around his neck he was drying his hairs. His ignorance was killing my patience. Picking my mobile, I quietly came down from bed and walking slowly I stopped a step behind him.

Grabbing his sleeve I just nudged slowly and finally he turned around to face me. I was stood at front of him as his empty stare was stuck at me. For a moment he refrained from saying anything and just simply kept watching me. No doubt even shower couldn't cool him down. My stupid heart felt his simple thick glare so overwhelming. Though there wasn't any warmth into his eyes as I wanted but at least there was something other than blankness.

"Do you need anything...?" he asked as his eyes trained gently on me. I nodded my head but then slowly shook in no. How to tell, I wanted him to hug me, I really needed it. But can't he do it by himself. He didn't say anything for a while and I didn't say either. Quirking his brows, he was waiting for me to say that what I wanted.

"Then why are you still here....?" his question made me speechless but I kept telling myself that I was still here because he didn't eat anything. He shouldn't sleep empty stomach. Receiving just pure silence in reply he once again turned his face back towards mirror. After that he didn't show any response, and it was more than enough for my patience. I wanted to told him that I already prepared dinner for him but I won't tell I hid it.

"I...I made these sandwiches when you were in study room....!" I explained lowly and to my surprise my voice came out wobbly and heavy cause of the torment I was going through. He still didn't look back at me. He behaved like my efforts, were nothing to him. I gulped deeply as my heart pained.

Throwing his wet towel at couch he picked hair brush and started combing his hairs like instead of sleeping he was going in any party.

"Why are you not even replying me....!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms out in frustration. Then he lifted his eyes up to look at my reflection in the mirror.

"Nandni it's very late already, you should go back into your room....!" he replied so casually as he went towards coffee table and started gathering few papers to arrange them into one folder.

"I'm not leaving because I'm not pretty done here....!" I added angrily but still in a smaller voice. I could hear uncertainty and pain into my own words. Without giving any attention over my all nagging he went towards side drawer of his bed. After opening it he placed folder into it. He was hurting me purposely.

"I know I do mostly wrong things. And when I'm hurt I behave like a stupid, but I really came here because I was worried....!" I said while twisting my fingers so hardly that it was paining but still it was nothing at front of the agony his ignorance was causing me.

"Stop worrying about me. Before you, I was living on my own since years.....!" he replied softly but his words were far away from tenderness. It was hitting my chest like sack of bricks. He picked his towel and went into bathroom to leave it there. He silently came out and went towards his bed. He settled his pillow down, showing that he was all ready to sleep and it was signal for me to leave.

"You know I shouldn't have even come here. I should have thrown these sandwiches into bin instead of bringing here. I'm being nice to you and you are being just rude. If anyone else would have asked me once to leave, I had left without wasting a single second. But here I'm letting you to insult me but I'm still here like an idiot. You know, I...I hate you. Urghhhhh I hate you so so much....!" as I finished my not very lengthy speech, I was breathing like a maddening crazy woman. At the other hand Manik was looking at me like I was a clown of any circus.

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