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"After years it's first time Manik is here for long stay.....!" Aanya told me while I was gathering my all things to have a long shower. May be it will help my headache. It feels like years, if my days were colliding with torment, nights were filled with emptiness.

"I'm sure as usual, he would be centre of women attention. The girls in the town getting crazy again....!" I wasn't giving attention to her but last sentence forced me to look back towards Aanya. What is so special in that heartless monster that girls being crazy. May be they don't know behind mask of beautiful features, there is black soul. Totally dark and cruel.

Looking at my continuous stare, suddenly Aanya became silent. I know, always blabbering about his brothers is her natural habit but this time he chose the wrong person to discuss with me.

"Have you seen him or talked to him....!" Aanya asked coming closer.

"No. And I don't even want to....! Looking at her expressions I could tell she was hurt but at least I want to be honest with her. Once again I went towards my wardrop and pulled a dress and towel for shower.

"I know you cried a lot since the time uncle Aaryan announced your engagement with Manik. And same like you he is also silently sulking around. May be my whole family have believed that you are going to marry my brother willingly but I know the truth. From the first day, you were never agree to marry him. It was your baba....!" she stopped in the mid sentence and I felt my body became frozen dead. No heart beat, no breath.

"Its not time to discuss what my father have done. Truth is that I'm getting engaged to your brother. Happily or by force, it doesn't matter.....!" hearing bitterness in my voice, instead of getting offended, Aanya just smiled. At that moment I felt worse. Why I was being rude to her when she was the only one who was always there to give me support morally and physically.

"But don't worry I won't tell any one. Because it's not my place to tell that how your father betrayed you. I know for some reasons your father doesn't like you but you always obeyed him so that one day he will accept you heartily. But Nandni sacrificing your life, emotions and happiness would never change his feelings for you.....!" she was saying the words I thought no one knew. But today my last bubble of fake life also got burst.

Yes my father hates me because he loved my mother sincerely but she never loved him back the same way. Unfortunately I look like her. Same features, same eyes, same long hairs. My father hates me because my presence never let him forget her.

"Aanya, let's forget about it. Now it's not right time to discuss this....!"I tried to close the topic but looking at her smiling face I raised my brows up to ask, what was going in her head.

"You know one thing, you and my brother are very similar. You both are equally stubborn and hot-tempered. You both love your fathers so much that none of you can say No for this engagement....!" listening her I became little shocked. Manik and submissive to someone. Even it sounds funny and impossible.

Ignoring her assumptions, I picked everything for the shower, when someone knocked the door. Aanya opened the door and one servant from Malhotra mansion was standing with huge box in her hands. She came inside and placed the box at my bed. Aanya thanked her and after closing the door, she smiled looking at my confused face.

"And speaking of getting engaged tonight, this box have the dress and all other accessories you are going to wear....!" Aanya said while coming towards me. Wrapping her arm around my shoulders she pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Have shower first then a beautician will make you ready. After exactly three hours Dadi Jan gonna send the driver to fetch us. Hurry up. We don't have time....!" she pushed me inside the bathroom and taking a deep sigh I started preparing myself for the worst day of my life.

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