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Days are running like seconds. Almost two weeks were already over in the blink of eye. Like last weekend this time also Rohan didn't go back town.

Last Saturday he had to attend college for one extra class and this weekend he had an assignment to complete. So he stayed back to complete it with his one class fellow. After breakfast and cleaning Ellie auntie also left to see her family.

I thought at weekends she cooks for Manik but now I realised he sends her mostly at every weekend to see her family. It means he cooks for himself. After arranging my wardrobe and cleaning my room, I went to have shower. It was afternoon when I came downstairs.

Rohan was in the living room, watching a football match. Manik wasn't home, because one hour ago, from my bedroom window I saw him leaving in his car.

"Hello Roni....!" I said standing at front of Rohan, purposely blocking his view. He looked up and gave that charming smile which luckily all Malhotras naturally blessed with.

"Hey sis, I heard bro took you at form house and gave you adventurous bike ride as well....!" Rohan said, but why I sensed teasing in his words and twinkling eyes. So finally they know where we both had vanished that night and that too without telling any one.

"Yeah, but it would have been more fun if I had you there with me instead of your bro....!" I played along his taunting comment.

"I know I'm better than him but seriously you are lucky and first one to have ride at his bike. He doesn't let anyone touch that thingy, not even me....!" Rohan told me and I giggled seeing his sour face. I sat beside him over the sofa and he once again got busy to watch TV.

"Rohan did you eat something....?" I asked because it was already 3pm and he had just a cup of tea in the morning.

Manik bhaie still didn't come, I don't even know the ABC of cooking....!" he scoffed and I chuckled looking at his face.

"Let's cook something for you then....!" I stood up and smiled seeing his little surprised face.

"Do you know how to cook....?" he asked excitedly while following me in the kitchen. I nodded my head.

"So, Roni tell me would you like to eat spaghetti...?" I asked him while looking into fridge that which ingredients we have. But I chuckled when I saw his deep frowns.

"Yeah I love spaghetti....!" he scoffed looking at me. Since last two days I started calling him by Roni nickname and Rohan didn't like it because according to him it sounds little girlish. But I really love to see those glares under deep frowns whenever I call him by this name.

"Either I'm gonna call you little one or Roni. It's up to you what would you like to be called...!" I snickered while taking few vegetables and chicken out of the fridge. He laughed after listening my options.

"Little one...? Look at my height, it's almost 6ft and Little One, No way. Roni is fine...!" he said while pulling out pan from the cabinet. He was right, by the way. Standing among his all brothers he barely looks younger than them. I'm sure after two years he would be more muscular than all Malhotra boys.

With those thick long lashes and messy jet black hairs, he will grow-up version of the man, who would be dream of every girl. So calling him little one was a clear joke to his tall figure with broad shoulders. But who cares, I love to trouble him.

"So beautiful lady, where did you learn cooking...!" Rohan asked me while filling the pan with water and placed at the stove to let it heat up. I glared at him for using those cheeky nick names he calls me purposely.

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