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Laying at my left side, I felt groggy when slowly opened my eyes. It was almost 9am, as I saw the time on the clock at my bed side table. For few minutes I remained into same position, my eyes were still trained on the window. Little light was coming from behind the curtains. After rubbing my hand over my face, slowly I sat up. Moving my fingers through my hairs I pushed them back from my face.

A bomb exploded right into my head when I looked down and found myself wearing a shirt. Slowly but clearly all the events from last night started flooding back into my head. My nightmare, breaking at front of him, his consolation, everything was like once again previous night was replaying at front of my eyes. Then thinking about how he let me cry into his arms and then helped me to change into his shirt, I felt like icy-cold shivers embracing my whole body. Why did he freaking bother to hug me and consoled me into my worst condition.

Oh My God had I gone mad. What on earth had happened last night. My hands fisting sheets so tightly as my heart sped up while remembering every event of last night again and again. Was it a dream or real. I released a frustrated breath while I scanned the room and realised, surely it wasn't dream. At one corner of the couch there was cushion and at the other end roughly placed throw was the evidence that last night was real. He slept over there.

'I won't let you go. Ok. Neither in this life nor in next one' his words were drilling into deepest corners of my head. There had to be any reason he had said those words otherwise why Manik malhotra will say that. I took deep breaths in and then let them out shakily while remembering how his hug was strong and intense like he wanted to tell me something. I felt my insides trembled when I recalled that it was written into his eyes he really won't let me go.

In years of seeing Manik Malhotra's aggressiveness and anger, for the first time I became this much confused. The more I was thinking about his words and actions from last night, my brain was going crazy. I'm not sure what he thinks but for me last night might be just a moment of my weakness and his gesture only was out of sympathy. It was getting harder and harder to understand everything, taking place in my life.

Slowly I pushed the sheet off me and swung my feet down over the carpeted floor. I was feeling so out of my mind, so restless that I didn't want to face him yet. I hope he would be sleeping into his room. I went into bathroom and after getting fresh I came out. Holding scarf I wrapped around my neck and made my way out of the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. With heavy legs I walked downstairs. As I stepped off the last stair to put my foot over the floor I heard some noise coming from the kitchen. Was Ellie auntie back. I was so hungry that it was making me feel almost nauseous.

A delicious smell wafting out of the kitchen. I was quite shocked as I entered inside to see Manik was making pancakes. He was all fresh and dressed up into dark blue jeans with white shirt. Manik malhotra and his obsession towards white shirts. I took small step back, planning to leave silently, as he seemed quite busy into his work. But to my failure attempt to escape, he sensed my presence and abruptly shifted his eyes back towards me.

"Good morning....!" my heart slammed into my chest at the intrusion of his voice. Intensity of his eyes made me wish that it would have been better, if he had continued his cooking instead of capturing my heart into tight fists of his gaze.

"Good morning....!" I replied back timidly. Since the day I woke up after my surgery I'm not able to understand what was he doing. I had gone through every single scenario in my mind but I kept coming out with nothing. His eyes flickered to me as he wanted to study my deep thoughts.

"Sit down, breakfast is almost ready...!" he whispered gently before pulling his eyes back at the stove. After a moment, once again his chocolaty brown eyes held mine. His brows slightly furrowed as he saw, I was still stood motionless over the same spot.

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