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It’s been one week, I came back in my hostel. My last period is all about club activities. I’m not good at any kind of sport so as a volunteer I’m helping our librarian for three hours three days a week. It’s not really cool as it sounds but best way to kill the time instead of laying back at my hostel bed doing nothing. These three days Riya have classes in evening so going back in hostel room is totally useless and boring.

Today it was just me who went college for classes, because Riya have classes in evening. It’s been 1pm and she also have left to attend classes. Cause of severe headache, leaving my last period I came back hostel. After having little sleep around 3pm I will go back college for my volunteer job. Yesterday I borrowed Aanya's few notes. Today I was supposed to return her notes but during second period I received a message. Cause of cold, flue and fever she isn’t feeling well so she isn’t coming college.

So now I’m standing at front of Malhotra house to return her notes. I’m sure all Malhotras would be in college. Because I don’t have strength to face any one. Specially that one, whose even name makes me irritate.

Malhotra house was at just 5 minute walking distance from my hostel. This house is for all Malhotra kids who are studying in college.
After reaching at the door of Malhotra house I pressed the button over intercom. One guard opened the gate. I eagerly entered, as I wanted to see Aanya also.

“Hello Nandni. How are you dear....!” guard asked me. This uncle lives near my house, back in the town. He is very good friend of my baba. So cause of baba he always behaves like a father. He is very cute chubby man.

“Uncle I came here to see Aanya. I need to give these notes....!” I asked  the guard but his next words increased my headache.

“Aanya madam went to see doctor.....!” guard told me, looking concerned after seeing my exhausted condition.

“Oh no. Ok let me call her first....!” I took my mobile out and dialled Aanya’s number.

“Hello Aanya. I came to give your notes back but uncle told me you are not at home. You went to see doctor. Are you ok....?” now I was really concerned about her health. Living far away from family, and then getting sick is one of worst case.

“Oh I’m really sorry nandni I didn’t know you will come. I’m ok still need to see doctor. Cant take risk to be worse, you know exams are due. But you can leave these notes inside. I’m sure someone must be at home now....!” after saying goodbye, Aanya disconnected the call. Definitely after listening her heavy voice, it’s clear she’s not ok.

I went ahead and eagerly opened the door. As I took just few steps ahead in living room, I heard the sound of a woman moaning. Now I regretted to come here. Don’t know which Malhotra is enjoying his time here with his hot chick.

“Ok ok Nandni take a deep breath, just place the notes quietly at coffee table and run without looking back....!” I mentally patted my shoulder and took slow steady steps ahead. And finally reaching near coffee table I placed notes at it. But before turning around I found two files. There was some incomplete mathematic material.

Oh my God. It was, it was the same assignment our teacher given to us and to our seniors as well. As Aanya have submitted her assignment already. So In this house my two seniors who may get this assignment might be Ishan or Ma...Manik. It means whoever is inside, is one of them. Suddenly I can hear this desperate idiot girl more clearly. Now I noticed these disgusting noises coming from kitchen. I turned around to leave but my stubborn head wanted to do something else. You know what....? Wink...wink.

Yes I want to check who’s there. Am I disrespecting someone's privacy. I asked my mind and before this stupid organ say yes my heart said No way. Because if they need privacy go to hell, I mean go to bedroom why spoiling yummy place like kitchen. Idiots.

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