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Its been 5 days since I ruined Manik malhotra’s assignment. After submitting our assignments we never had combined class with our seniors. But today our professor was going to give our results. So I’m sure we will again have a combined class.

I was already late for my second last period. I ran towards the lecture room. As I entered with the crowd of other students, I saw the source of my nightmares.

In the middle of the row, Manik malhotra was sitting. Like usual his cup cake I mean Elina was also besides him. He was sitting back calmly in his chair with his long legs in white jeans, spread out under the table at front of him. His soft black hairs settled very nicely. His black dress shirt was stretched across his chest and his biceps bulging under short-sleeves.

Suddenly his eyes fell on me, his stare reflected a mixture of anger and revenge. I returned his gaze unflinchingly. His posture was relaxed but he was looking like a lion, ready to pounce on me to shred me into pieces.

I know he must be very pissed off over his ruined assignment. He looked like a completely antagonist at that moment. I could hear thunderous beats of my heart, the heated blood rushing through my body.

I wish he could ignore me like before. I was never centre of his stares but now I think I have become reason of his breaths. Not in a sweet romantic way infect in worst disgusted way.

I could sense his power combined with rage, but I won’t let him intimidate me. Never ever. I saw his lips slowly curled up and I tore my gaze away. I didn’t like that smirk because it was wicked and cruel.

I saw Aanya was sitting in the front row with her one friend. She didn’t see me and taking advantage of it I climbed up all the way to sit in the last row of the room.

Once I took my seat, I placed my bag at table. I raised my head and my eyes immediately fell on him. He has his body fully turned towards Elina. She was telling him something and he was having a soft smile. He was making no secret that he was admiring her with all devotion and interest.

She must be something to witness Manik malhotra's this side. Then he leaned forward and placed gentle kiss at her temple. Waaooo. What a perfect lovely couple. My sarcasm level overloaded.

I tore my gaze away and busy myself getting ready for class. The lecture room fell into silence as our professor entered. My heart started hammering against my ribs.

First he explained that what type of mistakes mostly student had in their assignments. Then after explaining marking pattern he opened our marking sheet.

Every time he announced the name of student and then his or her marks, I felt my heart jumping out of my throat. Aanya got 100%. Told you already malhotra's intelligent genes.

Elina got zero marks. Waht...! Our professor gave disappointed look to Elina. Manik looked back towards her, like he just had the worst shock of his life. There was smile at her face but he was staring down at her with a look in his eyes as if He was trying to solve a puzzle.

Manik Malhotra got 98% marks.

“What....?” I screamed in my head silently. Then I noticed how his gaze became confused and then turned even more hard. How is that possible. This time Manik didn't look towards Elina. His jawline was tight with anger. His both arms were folded at table at front of him.

I could see his struggle to control himself. His hands curled into tight fist until his knuckles turned white.  Elina tried to slip her hand over his but he pulled it back. She was looking at him like, any boy could melt under those big beautiful eyes.

Then suddenly realisation dawned over me. Elina submitted her own assignment at Manik’s name. Then teacher announced my result. I got 94%. I didn’t feel much better because Manik had still more than me.

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