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"I will kill you....!" she snatched my coffee mug from table, and opening its lid she was going to throw at me when I tried to shield my face with my arms. I waited for boiling liquid to burn my skin but nothing happened. Suddenly all the giggles and whispers got stopped. A complete silence. When slowly I moved my arms away and looked up Manik was there, holding Elina's wrist. Since the day I met Manik, everything unexpected happening in my life.

If he wouldn't have gotten here fast, she almost had burnt me. He snatched cup from her hand and placed at table before shoving her away. I could see her body burning up from anger and face laced with deep hurt feelings. If already I was shocked, now my bewilderment increased ten time more. Manik just protected me, from his own girlfriend. The same girl he exclaimed to be in deep love.

"Manik you know what she did. This piece of trash...!" Elina tried to tell him her latest story of being victim of me. Her eyes full of crocodile tears, made me shocked. I was expecting that ignoring my existence, he would leave but he was here.

"Enough Elina.....!" he yelled, anyone could point out that hint of anger in his voice. That look at his face was really scary but I didn't flinch as much as Elina. Because may be its first time she saw his ruthless side but I faced it many times. May be she didn't know he already have witnessed everything. She thought he came just now.

I was dying inside after whatever happened. It was so emberrasing so without looking up I turned my back towards them. Bending down I picked my bag roughly from the ground and walked away. For the first time I didn't feel as confident as I was. These people just ruined me. They were destroying my self confidence. I wanted to be out of cafe asap. I was frightened that I will spill tears in public and humiliate myself more at front of all these minions covered in tons of makeup.

I went straight into washroom, to clean myself little bit so that any taxi driver could allow me to sit in his car. I wasn't in the state for going back to attend my last class. I hissed when I tried to clean my scratched elbows and palms. After half hour I was standing at front of Malhotra house paying for taxi.


By the time I got inside, Manik was already there. He looked very weary as his body was slumped over the sofa and head was reclined on the headrest. Sensing my presence he opened his eyes but just ignoring me he closed them again. My head was spinning, after facing fantastic show of his bimbo girlfriend. Dropping my bag harshly over coffee table, I made my way towards him.

"It's you behind all that drama of your crazy mental girlfriend. Right....?" my heart jerked under my ribs as his captivating eyes looked straight into mine. There was a moment of silence. Then without replying he stood up and was going to leave. But I needed answer so I moved at front of him to block his way.

"Move....!" he said coldly, seemed he was having tough time to behave normal but the humiliation I faced in college snatched last bit of my patience.

"First answer me, it was plan of both of you. Wasn't it....?" I yelled, my frustration touching its edges and my throat was painful And dry.

"What...?" he pretending like he didn't know already anything about whatever Elina was planning to do with me. It wasn't possible.

"Listen I'm already drained and tired after having enough of your and Elina's cat fight....!" he emphasized strongly, making me more furious.

"Do you know how people saying nasty things about me and just because your dumb girlfriend is spreading dirtiest rumours....!" my voice got higher as I recalled all the painful time I suffered this whole week. Manik didn't answer, his features holding a inscrutable look. After taking few deep breaths I was about to leave when he suddenly pulled me back.

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