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Manik's POV

I was looking out of the window, seeing that clouds were getting darker same like my soul was getting wrapped into layers of grey shade. Seemed like any storm was going to destroy every thing. But what about the devastation which was going on in my mind and I nowhere near for being free from it. After coming towards my bed side table. I opened the drawer and pulled out one picture frame. A beautiful couple with laughing two young boys, they were looking complete and perfect family. My eyes were looking at mama papa with Sahil bhaie and me standing at front of them. Those were happy days.

My papa was my hero. I always loved him more than mamma. Sahil bhaie was closer to mamma but for me papa was everything. Then I still remember those days when I listened arguments between my parents. I never told any one but I knew why both were fighting.

Papa wanted us to shift into this house but mamma didn't want to leave papa. But at the end one day our luggage were ready to leave. In the darkness of night me, Sahil bhaie and mama left with most trusted driver and one guard.

We were at deserted highway, when driver started losing his control over car. First I thought there was any technical problem but later we came to know that it was driver who was drunk. In the blink of eye our car slipped down from the main road and slipped down into deep fields. I don't know it was my good luck or bad luck, that my side door got opened and I was thrown out of the falling car.

I still remember that horrible stormy night. There was so much pain in my whole body. My every body part was split open, blood running at road with rain. I wished to die instead of screaming in that unbearable pain. That cold night, my injured body almost got frozen dead with heavy rain. Thundering light was so dazzling, it penetrated even the darkness that veiled my surroundings. It still haunts my dreams. After that every single night I want to run away, far away, until these nightmares were over. I wish I could erase that single night from my mind.

Then after hours my heartbeat started slowing down and my body laid as lifeless and immovable as dead. I don't know what happened after that because after two days when I opened my eyes I was in hospital. After that day I never talked to papa. I never told him that I know mama didn't want to leave. I never asked why he sent us away that night because his any excuse couldn't bring my mother back.

I feel it was my own father who's responsible for my mother's death. If he wouldn't have sent us, we hadn't seen that dreadful night. After that day I though neither I have mother nor my father. Both died for me. I never talked to any one more friendly except my siblings and my grandmother.

After completing my high school, I went for college. Sahil bhaie with dadi jan was already living in this house. So when I started college Ishan and me also shifted here. After that I never went back town. There were many occasions but I always made excuses. Then it was my second year when like every year, papa held welcome party for juniors. It was Dadi Jan who ordered that every one should be home in those vacations.

Every one was in huge yard of malhotra mansion when junior started coming. I was standing with my all cousins when I saw a girl. Seeing that fairy, I have had the strange sensation. My heart felt alive after years. During whole party I couldn't help from staring at her. Her big doe eyes, milky white skin, long black silky hairs and petite curvy figure. She looked like an angel, came from heaven to earth.

Then I saw her with Aanya. The way both were talking and laughing, I'm sure she was Aanya's friend. After that party, whole time Aanya just kept talking about her. Then I came to know her name was Nandni. Unknowingly smile appeared at my face. For some odd reasons I was happy that she was going to join our college.

Next day I went back but each day I waited for our new classes to start. Finally Aanya and Sameer also shifted into malhotra house to join college. Now Dadi Jan shifted back in town and sahil bhaie already joined our family business. I still remember that day when after one week finally I saw her again. Her simplicity was enhancing her natural beauty. Whenever she looks up, the way her long thick sweep of dark eyelashes blink, she looks like a doll.

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