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Hello my all sweethearts. I'm much better now. I hope you guys didn't forget my story and you all are doing well. Don't make me regret for coming back and try to make me happy so that I could recover properly and fast. Love you all.


I was lying on my bed, trying to have some sleep but since the day I lost Abhi I lost my sleep also. Whenever I close my eyes Abhi's happiness before marriage, his smile, that hope for a new happy life was paining my heart badly.

Then I heard familiar steps coming towards my room. There was a soft knock on the door that I knew distinctly as of my father. I didn't want to answer but he entered inside anyways.

"So what you have decided....?" baba asked in a low tone but I could sense the demand in his voice.

"Huh..? What are you talking about....!" I lied, knowing how tickled that sounded. But I knew very well what he was asking. He told me what Aaryan sir announced at front of all the people. But I would never marry Manik Malhotra. If I needed to go against baba and Aaryan sir I will go, but I would never marry murderer of Abhi. Never.

"Nandni I'm telling you last time, I would never let you stand against Aaryan sir. You have to accept what he is offering. You don't know our society. They won't let you live in peace. If Aaryan sir decided this, I'm sure it would be best for your future....!" baba stated wryly. I was looking at him with disbelief in my eyes. Was he really my father.

He chose Abhi for me I said yes without thinking twice because I knew he was very nice person but Manik. He is a murderer. He hates me and I hate him so much. If I get a chance, I wont think twice before killing him. How baba could say that Aaryan sir decided best for me.

"Get up and have break fast. We are leaving for malhotra mansion. Aaryan sir have a press conference with media and he called us there as well. About you and Manik we will decide later....!" baba's voice was clear with irritation but did he know What he was saying. Did he expect me to jump from bed and go to Malhotra mansion for watching how they all gonna ruin my life.

"Baba I said already I wont marry him...!" I tried but baba's loud voice just disregarded the topic and with that he broken my strength into pieces.

"Nandni I told you already that you don't even try to say no.....!" this time baba snapped at me angrily. Whenever I thought about my future husband, I always pictured like I would immediately know that it's him, I would fall in love with him. But marrying the person I hate most in this world, I was hoping to find this had all been just a nightmare. When I will wake up all would be fine.

"Cant you see he killed Abhi....!" I muttered again bewilderedly until I realised that indeed baba wasn't in any mood to listen to me. He turned his back towards me and was going to step out of my room when he stopped once again.

"Just few minutes and you should be downstairs. I want to fulfil my duties towards you as soon as I can....!" now his words stabbed my heart brutally. Was it the reason he is ready to get me marry to a killer. Just to get ride of my burden. He really have been this much fed up of me that he was ready to throw me away like garbage. My happiness doesn't matter to him.

He left my room without looking back towards me. I wiped a few errant tears off of my cheeks and throwing blanket away I stood up. If I want to save my life from getting ruined, I need to go.


Somehow I made my presence back to malhotra mansion in one piece when my heart and soul were shattering into pieces. I didn't remember driving at all, like I was moving around in some sort of trance.

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