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Sleeping last night hadn't been much of an option for me. It seemed difficult to even close my eyes. I kept tossing and turning all night over my bed and finally decided what I'm gonna do tomorrow. It was 4 in the morning when finally my eyes gave up and my exhausted form drifted into deep sleep.

Despite of not getting proper sleep I didn't feel lazy. Because the storm running into my veins didn't let me feel anything. It was 9am when I got up from my bed and went to have a long shower. It didn't make my sleepy head any lighter but my tense muscles felt much relaxed.

After wearing my most favourite and comfortable grey and black dress I towel dried my hairs. Today I didn't feel much confident to go out of this room and face those two brothers who are responsible of my each and every problem. Most painful part of this phase was that, someone so close whom I trusted, betrayed me. Remembering all the memorable moments, Sameer and Abhi spent together, my chest suddenly felt tight. How Sameer could do this to Abhi, to his own brother.

But I couldn't be locked whole life here so once dressed, taking deep sigh I came out of my room. Passing by Manik's room, I noticed his door was open so he had already woken up. Battling into my mind that should I go back into my room or not, finally I made my way downstairs. As I was at the last step, delicious smell was wafting out of the kitchen.

I felt like starving since ages. As I entered in kitchen and made my way towards dining table, my eyes stopped at one plate of very delicious freshly made breakfast. With curious eyes, I scan my surroundings but didn't find Manik.

A cup of tea placed on the table, steam still coming out and besides it, there was a plate having toast and omelette. So Mr grumpy knows very well how to cook. I was going to make breakfast for me when something clicked in my evil mind. My lips twitched up into evil smirk at the mere thought of having this breakfast. I couldn't help my self from stealing this yummiest thing. I held plate and sat over dining table. I took first morsel before having one sip of tea. Uncontrollably a moan escaped my lips.

I giggled childishly as I gulped everything in plate and taking last few sips of tea I cleaned my mouth with napkin. No doubt it was really tasty. My happiness didn't live long when Manik entered inside. As he looked towards me, my eyes widened. I had plan that after finishing breakfast I would leave but here I was so busy into enjoying this free food that I forgot about its owner. I am an idiot, now I'm gonna pay for it.

I sucked in sharp breath as he started looking here and there. May be for his plate. I hoped he would go back outside. It wasn't hard to guess that now he was trying to recall where he left his plate. Then something clicked in his mind. He immediately turned around, frowning down at me.

"Where's my breakfast....!" his low yet demanding voice caused me to have a hiccup as breakfast was getting adjust in my stomach. Immediately I took one sip of water and he raised his brows up. Crossing his arms against his chest he was glaring down at me.

"Ummm breakfast...? Which was few minutes ago in this plate....?" I blurted out, showing him now an empty plate at front of me. The crease between his brows grew deeper and for a moment he even looked confused before his eyes widened as he realized of what I had done with his poor breakfast.

He made his way towards me as if now he was going to eat me alive for stealing his food. His eyes glaring daggers at my poor self. He came across the dining table and stopped closer. I clenched my eyes shut tightly when he leaned down.

My eyes shot open as I felt his tight grip around my arm. I shrieked as he pulled me up over my feet. He pulled my chair back while his hand still clutching my arm. As I looked at him, I felt icy chills covered my whole body. Goosebumps rising from the warmth his hand was giving to my cold skin.

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