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This month was gone in the blink of eye. Just two more weeks and our final exams were going to start. It was Friday night and tomorrow after weeks, they all were going back town. And after weeks I was going to share this huge house with Manik and that too all alone. During these past few weeks I avoided him and I was sure I would be able to wash off the everything related to that night. I wanted to scrub off his scent from my senses, that feel of his body on mine, that heart fluttering softness of his deep breaths and little inaudible groans as he was having his own pleasure while kissing my skin. I tried to forget everything but the more I tried the more he kept piercing deep into my heart. I battled helplessly but couldn't get ride of Manik Malhotra because all the time he was there inside of me like piece of my own soul.

"Hey cutie. No more studies lets watch movie....!" Aanya entered into my room, pulling me out of my deep thoughts. So we decided to watch the movie at my laptop. After finding the movie we were about to watch, we listened unexpected knock over my door. Before we could ask who was there, from half opened door Rohan's only head peeked inside.

"You both are going to watch movie and that to without me...!" He asked as he watched movie over pause mode at my screen. Before Aanya could kick him out, pushing the door widely open he entered inside.

"Yes and you are not allowed here. It's girls time...!" Aanya told him. There was clear warning but after all it was Rohan who always do the opposite.

"Please I'm getting bored. I also want to watch the movie...!" He pleaded while coming towards my bed.

"Rohan go and watch at your own laptop. Don't trouble us....!" She said feeling completely annoyed.

"Common Aanya di, you know watching a movie alone is as weird as playing hide and seek without any partner....!" He gave his most genuine excuse while climbing over my bed. Entirely ignoring Aanya's glares he settled himself between us.

"Now stop glaring and play the movie...!" He asked as he rested his back against the headrest of the bed. Getting comfortable to enjoy the movie. I chuckled when Aanya took deep defeated sigh.

"And if you opened your mouth for stupid comments, I will make sure that big bros smack your naked bum...!" Aanya warned him and I couldn't stop myself from laughing my heart out. These two are precocious treasure in my life. Irreplaceable.

"If there won't be any gross make out scenes then definitely I won't say any thing...!" He said innocently raising his both arms into surrendering pose. Then he wrapped his muscular arms around our shoulders, pulling us into side hug. 

"Rohan I wish I could have a cute sister than an annoying brother like you...!" Aanya said while pinching his stomach and instead of wincing Rohan chuckled.

"Ok ok stop your over dramatic wishes and play the movie..!" Rohan said while shaking both of us. So we changed the plan and now we both were finding more reasonable movie to watch with brother.


Curtains were fluttering with rush of wind. Outside lightening and thunder brightened the sky and indicated that it was going to rain outside. Aanya and Rohan were engrossed into movie when I stood up from bed and came out of the room. Reaching downstairs I realised all were into study room, as voices were coming from there.

Opening main door I came out of the living room. Ear piercing thunder once again lightened the cloudy dark sky, rain began pouring down. As it was light at first but now eventually grew heavy. Branches were dancing with the blow of wind and leaves looking more green and shiny after bathing into rain.

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