Level ∞ [Bonus]

704 42 11

The road to success proved to be challenging but as long as the four of them were together, they could handle it.

"Oh my god, what is this smell!?" Sunmi opened the garage's door, letting light creek in.

Their former teacher made a disgusted sound when she found the four girls each in a corner of the room, slurping cup noodles and typing on their keyboards.

"Everyone! Out! Now!" Sunmi pulled the plug on them receiving horrified gasps. She took the electricity away, so all the computers shut down.

"You cruel monster!" They gasped when they saw their black screens.

Good thing Jisoo told them to use an editor that saves their progress in real-time.

They rubbed their eyes as they had to get used to lights of the sun. The second they stepped out of the garage, they were mercilessly attacked.

Sunmi was using her garden hose to splash cold water all over them.

"Use the soap, stinky pigs!" Sunmi slipped bar soaps over to them.

The girls groaned and covered their faces while Sunmi drenched them with water.


"Did the customer like it?"

"Seems so. We were paid." Chaeyoung said when she got the notification that she had money transferred to her PayPal account.

It wasn't uncommon for them to do comission inbetween website designs, graphic art or developing custom softwares.

If they didn't do these small jobs it would be tougher to fund their next games.

They were also able to rent their own apartment with two rooms. There they would settle their little firm. For now they were content with two rooms as the couples were more than willing to share one. Even though they would upgrade to four rooms when their budget allows it.

They received a text from Sunmi that they got another job. By now their former teacher functions as their manager who searches clients for them.

"We are not supposed to work today. It's family day." Lisa tugged on the arm of her girlfriend, trying to tear her away from the pile of papers she was working on.

They agreed to spent time with their families on Saturday. For Chaeyoung that meant her brother, for Jennie her mom and for Lisa and Jisoo their respective parents.

"My brother feels sick today, I'll stay and work..." Chaeyoung mumbled, making her girlfriend frown in dismay.

"No way. You are coming with me. My mom said she misses you anyway." Lisa insisted to not let her girlfriend rot on her own.

Chaeyoung eventually agreed since Lisa wasn't going to back down anytime soon.

"I think this one is going to be a hit." Chaeyoung watched their newest game climb on the Google Play Charts. It was already at number 10. Their highest ranking game.

"We should do something about it, if it reaches the top 5. And we need to be quick. It's too late when it loses it momentum." Lisa said as they walked hand in hand.

"I agree. News skins or new modes." Chaeyoung also thought about it. "We need to keep adding stuff, so it won't be boring."

"The chat function needs work too." Lisa listed with her.

They spoke about the game all the way to the home of Lisa's parents. They were going to have dinner at their restaurant where Lisa's dad was cooking for them.

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