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"COME ON, CHILDREN! You must get into the spirit!" Papa laughed. He pulled Matthew up to his feet and began to dance with him to the music.

"Girls on film!" The music started.

We had spent all day unpacking today, and we had managed to get everything set up except for our rooms which we each had to do on our own. The living room, kitchen, and bathrooms were pretty much complete. Matthew began to laugh and dance with him.

"Your turn!" Papa laughed. He suddenly grabbed me and began to toss me around. "Papa, I don't think this is dancing!" I laughed. He spun me toward Matthew, and he caught me. "Move your ass!" He laughed.

"Hey! That's my line!" I laughed. Our papa was drinking some wine he bought and began to go through some more boxes. "Huh!" He gasped. I looked over at him curiously and pushed Matthew to the sofa. "What is it?" I asked.

"Hey!" Matthew whined.

"It is mine and your dad's wedding video," papa smiled. I looked at the disk and smiled. "Let's watch it!" I smiled.

"Yes! Let's watch it! I'll set up the television!" Matthew cheered. He quickly went to plug in the cords, and I took the disk. I had only seen this once, so that it would be nice. I knew we had more video tapes too. "We should watch all the videos we have!" I suggested. "Oh yes! I can have food delivered again!" Papa smiled.

Papa sat down on the sofa, and I handed Matthew the disk. The video began adjusting, and Matthew used the remote to turn the volume up. "Francis! How do you feel!" Gilbert's voice spoke. "Great! I'M ABOUT TO MARRY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" Papa cheered.

I laughed and looked to my papa, who had a genuine smile. We continued to watch, and I nearly cried hearing their vows during the ceremony.

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you directly, without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don't know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams." Our dad spoke.

His voice... I was grateful to hear it. They held each other's hands in the video, and my heart shattered. "...And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you, and I'd choose you. I promise to cherish and love you till death do us part, but even then, I wouldn't stop..."

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

I looked at my papa, worried, but he just smiled.

The video cut once they left the chapel. It turned back on to their ceremony dinner. "Arthur, where do you see your marriage ten years from now?" Gilbert spoke.

"Eh? You are recording?"

We all laughed, and I nearly wanted to cry. "Yea! For the memories! Your kids! They will want to see it at home one day!" Gilbert laughed.

"Ten years?"


"Ahh, hopefully, by then, Francis and I will have kids; if not, then he is an idiot!" Our dad spoke. Matthew and I laughed, and I shook my head. "Okay, if anyone watches this ten years from now, or maybe even thirty years from now... I want to say I am pleased! I wouldn't change a thing in my life! It has led me up to this moment, and I'm sure I will be happy for the rest of my life; I can't wait to meet the kids we have one day. Kids, as in I want more than one!" He laughed.

I smiled and took a deep breath in.

"ARTHUR! Is this where you have been?" Papa suddenly came into the frame, pulling our dad close to him. "I'm doing an interview," our dad pushed him away. "Why so secretive!" Papa laughed.

"One more question, Arthur!" Gilbert spoke.

"What?" He asked.

"What is something you look forward to?"

"Look forward to?" He repeated. Our dad pushed our papa's face away and suddenly took the camera. "Sorry to whoever is watching this, but If I said this out loud in front of Francis, he would not leave me alone," our dad spoke. He walked away from Gilbert, and I saw Antonio approach our papa.

"I just want to say, to my husband, that I look forward to making you miserable," he laughed. Our papa began to laugh at what he said. "I'm joking, haha, but I don't doubt I will make you annoyed. I look forward to eating your food and reminding you about your appointments... for some reason, you always forget them, despite scheduling them yourself. I look forward to bossing you around because you will be confused half the time if I don't tell you how to do something. No matter what, though, I will always love you. I can't picture a world where I wouldn't. To this day, I can't say it anymore! I better be dead or mute! But no matter what, I'll love you till the end!"

Our dad smiled at the camera and gave a thumbs up. I looked at Matthew, who was trying to hide his face. I wasn't sure if our papa was crying, but I'm sure it would be the same.

He walked back to Gilbert and handed him the camera. "Your turn Francis!" Gilbert cheered. "I'll just say it here because I'm not embarrassed, unlike grumpy pants over there!" Papa teased. Our dad rolled his eyes, and Gilbert fixed the camera. "Where do you see your marriage in ten years?"

"Easy! With two beautiful children! And taking care of Arthur over there... he is helpless when it comes to cooking! I'm not sure how he even survived before meeting me!" Papa laughed. Our dad glared at him from the back, and I laughed. "He can't even work a microwave! Sad, is it not?"

Matthew began to laugh now, and I nudged him. "But also, I expect that in ten years, I will still have the same adoration for him as I do now! Maybe one day we can visit the states! Arthur has always wanted to go to Boston! It must be his strange obsession with the American Revolution; what a weird hobby,"

My eyes widened at what he said, and I looked to our papa, who had a straight face.

I guess that answers that question. I grabbed Matthew's hand in secret, and he squeezed mine gently. "What do you look forward to?" Gilbert asked.

"I look forward to spending every day with him! Growing old together, watching our kids grow up, and then their kids! Imagining how Arthur would look like an older man is funny. Although, I doubt his personality would change," papa laughed.

The video began to cut off to everyone dancing and talking. Our parents kissed each other, and everything was lively and happy.

When the video ended, our papa suddenly stood up. "Excuse me for a second, children," papa smiled at us and began to put his hair up. "Matthew, go ahead and call for some food; I'm going to be right back," he smiled. He just smiled at us... not even with a watery eye.

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