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"Heyyyyy! Happy Thanksgiving— as the Americans say!" I opened the front door for Gilbert and Antonio, who was the first to show up. "Happy Thanksgiving!" I smiled. Gilbert pinched my cheek, and both of them walked in. I glared at him, annoyed, and held onto my cheek. "Really?" I asked. They had bags of things in their hands and set them by the sofa. "Francis! Where are you!" Antonio cheered. He ran to the kitchen like a child and immediately hugged our dad as he was cooking. Matthew was finally coming down the stairs as he heard all the commotion. "Figured they were here already," Matthew laughed.

"Mattie!" Gilbert cheered. He immediately hugged Mattie and began to rub his face in his hair. "We missed you both! I heard you broke your arm, but Francis would not tell me why! How rude!" Gilbert cried. I looked at him, annoyed and pulled Matthew away. "You are going to hurt him like that! His arm is still healing!" I spoke. "Huh!? You should be happy to see your uncle!" Gilbert complained.

"You are not my uncle!" I glared. "How rude, Francisssss! Alfred is being rude again!" Gilbert spoke, pretending to be sad. Papa turned around to look at us, and Antonio continued to hold him. Papa looked at me and then at Gilbert, and a smirk appeared. "I can't force him to call you uncle," Papa laughed.

"No! My dreams of Alfred calling me Uncle has been shattered!" Gilbert cried. I rolled my eyes at him and began to walk to the kitchen. "When are Arthur's brothers coming?" Antonio asked. "Ahh, they should be coming soon, they left around the same time as you both, and Lucille is at her hotel to drop off her things," Papa explained.

"Ah! Speaking of them! That reminds me of something!" Gilbert spoke. He rushed to his bag and began to rummage through it. "What is it?" Papa asked. He pulled out a piece of paper and quickly went to us.

"I found this in one of my old Albums; I figured you'd want it," he cheered. Gilbert showed him what it was, and Papa's eyes widened. He quickly grabbed the photo and looked at it, shocked. "When did you take this?" He asked. "Ah, well, it was long ago, but I've always had it," Gilbert cheered.

I looked to Matthew, confused, and we looked to our Papa even more curious. "What is it?" Matthew asked. Papa continued to stare at the picture, and a smile slowly spread across his face. "Look," he smiled.

Papa walked to us and showed us the picture.

My eyes widened, and I smiled really funny.

It was of dad and him when they were teenagers. Our dad had fallen asleep on him, and our Papa looked so nervous and red. "Thank you," Papa smiled at Gilbert. "Aww, you both looked so young," Matthew smiled. Papa pulled the photo away and continued to smile at it.

Seeing his smile made me happy and sad. Glad that he was comfortable looking at the photo but sad knowing he had lost his husband. He placed the image in his pocket and walked back to the stove.


"I GOT IT!" Matthew cheered. He ran to the front door and went to open it. "How much you want to bet it is, Lucille?" Antonio spoke. "Ehh, ten bucks it's his brothers," Gilbert laughed. I shook my head at them, and I heard a faint scream.

It was Lucille.

"Mattie, my dear! Where is Alfred? I am going to suffocate him with love!" My aunt cheered. I recoiled hearing that, and when she turned the corner, she stopped to look at me. "ALFRED! My sweet Nephew!" She dropped her things and came running to me. "Alfred!" She cheered! She grabbed me and began to shake me. I could see Matthew laughing at me, and I glared.

I haven't been much affectionate toward them since our dad passed. I'm sure they've noticed, but it's not anything crazy. "No hug for your big brother?" Papa cried. "No! Because you don't send daily pictures as I requested!" She pouted. "You act like I am a child! I am older than you too," Papa laughed, concerned.

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