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"Is this necessary?"

"Yes! It is!" I laughed. Matthew was sitting at the table, and I was drawing on his cast. "Papa, come draw something!" I cheered. He stopped what he was doing and looked over my shoulder. "Child, what are you drawing?" Papa asked. "This is me, you, and Mattie," I pouted. "That was us?" Matthew laughed. He scratched the back of his head with his right hand and laughed. "Well, duh! I wasn't drawing random stick figures! couldn't you tell by the hair?" I asked. Papa looked at it closely and laughed nervously.

"Well, practice makes perfect," he laughed nervously. Papa took one of the markers beside me and started to scribble on his cast. He moved away, and it was a doodle of Matthew and me. It was just our faces, but it looked better than anything I could ever make. "Okay, show off," I laughed. Papa began to ruffle my hair, and I moved away.

"I am going to the store. Do you both want anything?" Papa asked. "Can you get some ice cream and some of that tea I like," Matthew started? "Great idea!" I cheered. The ice cream was a great Idea. "Of course, and did you want anything else, Alfred?" He asked. "No, just the ice cream," I answered. Papa nodded at me and began to get ready to leave. "I will be right back," He spoke.

Once he left, I began to draw on Matthews's cast again, but this time he moved his arm away from me. "Hey!" I whined. He looked at me seriously and sat straight. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Alfred, something was odd about you yesterday. How did you get that bruise, and why did you look like you were making out with someone?" He asked. I froze in my seat, and my eyes widened. I remembered everything that happened yesterday, and it made me sick.

I was embarrassed about what happened, but I knew I could trust Matthew.

"Okay, don't tell Papa," I began.

"Of course not; your secret is safe with me," He started.

Matthew smiled at me sweetly, and I started to feel sad. I knew what happened to me yesterday; even if Ivan was the same age as me, I knew very well that it did not make a difference. When I was younger, our parents always talked to us about places on our bodies that were "private" and should never be touched by someone for any reason. Ivan did not touch me anywhere, but he kissed me. Who knows what else he would have wanted to do If I did not punch him?

Matthew put his hand on my thigh and smiled. "It's okay," He started. "I got this bruise from punching Ivan," I began. His eyes widened, and he looked at me, worried. "You and he fought? what happened?" He asked.

"No, it was not like that; it was more of a last resort... he..." I started. I was getting nervous to say it out loud. If I said it out loud, it made it more real. "What did he do?" He asked, worried. "He..." I looked away from him and began to pinch my fingertips. "Alfred...?" Matthew asked. I looked back at him and felt like I wanted to cry.

"Did he...force himself on you?" He asked slowly. He looked as if he had put the pieces together. Seeing me look like that yesterday, combined with this situation and my bruised hand. There was no hiding it at this point. I looked at him sadly and nodded my head.

"Seriously?" He asked. His voice sounded angry, and he never got angry. I tried to reassure him. "No, it is not okay! We have to tell Papa; they are getting out of hand," Matthew spoke. He was right, we should tell him, but I was unsure what he would do. "Can we just wait for a little bit? Maybe we should get evidence?" I suggested. "What more proof do people need? I am in a cast! This is getting out of hand!"

That is when I was reminded of something.

"Speaking of, what exactly happened before you fell?" I asked.

He suddenly froze up and started to laugh nervously. "Well...Adnan snuck up behind me, and..."

"What?" "It is okay; I punched him!"




My eyes widened at what he said. He flipped him? My soft, lovely, nice brother? The one that could never hurt a fly? The one that is a pacifist and avoids conflict? That brother?

"Eh? like over your head?" I asked, shocked. "Yes," He spoke nervously. I sat back in my seat, stunned. He flipped him over his head? How bad was he that Matthew flipped him? "Wow, I think I am scared of you now," I spoke. "What? that is ridiculous," He said. He looked at me, annoyed, and rolled his eyes. "Anyway, how much more evidence do you need?" He asked.

"I think I can get him on video, maybe," I suggested. "Video? and do what?" He asked. "Get him suspended, him and Adnan! I want everyone to know how bad he is!" I spoke. "Also, I am eager to do it this way because I do not want Kiku involved."

"What? Why would he be involved?"

"Because Ivan knows..." I spoke. Matthews's eyes widened, and he began to think. " I will tell him we can't be "friends" for a bit, in case Ivan tries something. If he does, I will be ready to record! Then I will expose him for the crazy person he is," I explained. He looked worried about what I wanted to do. However, I was sure it would work. Getting hard evidence like that would not be argued. "Alright, fine...but I am going to help!"

"Help? with your broken arm?" I asked.

"Yes! I am going to help!" He demanded. I looked at him nervously and shrugged. "Fine, but if anything happens, let me know immediately!" I demanded. "Yes!" He cheered. Matthew and I fist-bumped each other and began to laugh.

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