26 (extra 1)

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"Ugh, it is so cold!" I whined.

"Well, you should have brought another jacket!"

"Can you turn up the heater, at least?" I asked. I began to mess with the nozzles, and my dad pulled onto the side of the road. "Hurry and go! I want to go home!" My dad spoke. "Yes! Officer!" I spoke. I quickly got out of the car and ran into the small store. It was empty; the only person in sight was the till person. I promptly grabbed the paint I needed and rushed to the counter. "Is this all?" The man asked. "Yes, please," I smiled. The person typed some things into the till and smiled at me. "It will be ten pounds," He spoke. I nodded at him and took out the money I had placed in a small coin pouch.

I placed the money on the counter, and the man smiled at me. "have a good night, kid," The person spoke. "You too!" I cheered. I quickly ran out of the store and headed to the car. "Did you find everything you need?" My dad asked. "Yeah! look!" I smiled. He began to look at the stuff I bought and smiled. "Oh nice, I hear this is an excellent brand," He smiled. "Yeah, me too; I wanted to try them out and see if it was true," I laughed. My dad messed up my hair and smiled. "You ready to go home? I am sure your Papa is done making food, and they are waiting for us," He spoke. "Yes! Thank you again," I smiled. "Yes, of course."

He began to start the car, and I put my seatbelt on. "So, I want to cook dinner for us tomorrow. What do you think are my chances that your Papa will let me?" Dad asked. I began to laugh and shake my head. "Not very high, honestly." I laughed. My dad smiled and began to laugh. "Maybe I could convince him or something or threaten to leave him if he does not let me," He laughed. "Oh! In that case, he would let you cook every day," I laughed. My Papa has never let my dad cook and always says that it is his job when we all know the real reason why he does not allow him to cook.

"Honestly, he needs to let me learn a few things. What on earth am I to do if he is not around to cook for me?" My dad laughed. "Oh, I doubt that would ever happen," I laughed. My dad would stop around every corner to ensure cars were not heading in our direction. "I like his cooking, though. Are you sure?" I asked nervously. "Ugh! My cooking is not that bad! that is it! I will make Francis let me cook tomorrow night!" He laughed.

My dad began to drive and, after a while, stopped at another corner. "Ugh! you drive so slow!" I complained. "This is why I will not let you drive! You speed too much! I blame Francis! He is always speeding!" My dad rolled his eyes. "We should go get our licenses already," I pointed out. "Hmm, maybe, But I would rather you and Matthew practice more," He explained. My dad looked at me and gave me a stern look. "What is your project anyway?" He asked.

I looked at the supplies, and felt the car move again. I looked to him and suddenly, a bright light shone into my eyes. "DAD! WATCH OUT!" I yelled. My dad jumped and looked to the side and I heard him slam on the gas.

The other car got closer, and my dad suddenly used his arm to push me back against my seat. "Alfred! GET BACK!" My dad yelled.

I closed my eyes shut as the impact flipped us over to the side. It felt like we were in the air flying. I could feel my hair flying all over the place, as I shut my eyes. My dad continued to hold my body back, and I began to scream.


I felt my neck throw my head forward, and then back as we suddenly stopped moving. "UGH..." I heard my dad groan. I heard flash noises and my head began to sway around. My eyes were still closed, as my arms fell above my head.

The smell around me and the sounds of cracking. My eyes opened slowly, and I began to freak out. I felt my breathing speed up, and I looked around. I was upside down and began pulling on my seat belt. "Alfred, please calm down," I heard my dad speak. I looked at him, and he had blood running down his neck. "Dad, I can't breath," I uttered. I think I was hyperventilating. "please...deep...breaths," He spoke slowly. He grabbed onto my hand, but I was freaking out. "Dad, I am scared," I cried.

My dad turned his face to me, and my eyes widened. Part of his face had glass sticking out of it, and I began to freak out more. He reached his hand to me and grabbed it tightly. I was trying to catch my breath, but I could not. It was like the air was being sucked up somehow. "Alfred, I love you...you need to calm down," He spoke.

My vision was starting to get blurry, and I could no longer feel my legs and arms. "Dad, I can't feel my legs," I cried. "Alfred, please, you are in shock; take deep breaths," He tried to tell me. Blood was running down my face. It was coming from my torso. I began to breathe faster and faster, and I lost my vision.

"Dad, I do not know what to do," I cried. My hands began to shake. "It is okay, just calm down, my phone sends out emergency signals when it is destroyed, someone will be here soon," He explained. "Dad...I am scared,"

No response...

My head started to spin and I felt weak and ill, I was not able to process anything anymore.


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