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"Please, Please, Please, Please!"


"But Mattie! I want to hang out with you!"

"I know, but I want to make friends alone!"


"Just wait in the library! I'll text you when I'm finished!"


"No, but! Just go; I'll see you later!" 

"Oh, fine," I spoke. I watched as Matthew grabbed his things and began to leave me alone in the hallway. He was going upstairs to the meeting room. I pouted my lips as I watched him walk away. I took a deep breath and began walking into the library to the right of me.

I walked into the quiet room and saw a couple of students studying. I took a seat by the exit and placed my things down.

I might as well get homework done.

I looked at the time, waiting for five-thirty. It was only four-forty, forty minutes left till Matthew got out of his meeting. I bet he was having so much fun right now. I began to put my things up and felt anxious. "It won't hurt to see what he was doing," I whispered to myself.

I just wanted to stop by the restroom quickly before going. I walked out of the library, and in the first hallway by the stairs, I took a right. The bathroom was down the hall.

I looked around, and no one was around. It was like everyone in the school was gone. The campus usually stayed open till six. I shook the feeling off and continued to go to the restroom. I began to feel my stomach grumble, making me wonder what papa was making for dinner. I was starving; I should have bought a snack from the school's store earlier. Then again, I would have probably eaten it a long time ago.

I went into one of the urinals and did my business quickly. I did not like how it was out in the open, but whatever. I zipped up my pants and walked to the sink to wash my hands.

"Bleh..." a shiver went down my spine, and I quickly dried my hands. I used the damp paper towel to pat my face. I looked at my face a little and noticed my hair was getting a little long. Maybe it was time for a haircut?

I heard the door open and ignored it. Maybe a student that stayed late. I began to examine my hair, and I heard the door shut. There was a sudden clicking noise, and it caused me to turn to look. My mouth went a gape, and I immediately moved back.

It was Ivan.

"Don't stop because of me; you must want to look suitable for your boyfriend. What was his name? Kiku? a little birdie told me the two of you have gotten rather close," He started. My eyes widened, and I felt horrified. "He is not my boyfriend, and I am not gay; he is not even a friend, just someone I sit beside in my class," I lied.

He continued to smile at me, and I felt sick.

Something terrible was about to happen to me.

I do not know what, but I could feel it coming.

"You are straight? I do not believe that," He spoke. What was this guy's deal? Why was he always targeting me? He came closer and closer, and I began to back up. "What do you want?" I asked. He tried to reach his hand to me, but I moved away. "Don't touch me," I spoke. "Why not? I like you a lot," He giggled. Like me? Funny way of showing it. "Well, I am leaving; bye," I spoke. I was getting more and more nervous.

I moved passed him quickly and nearly fainted as I felt him grab my hair. "Hey! what is your deal? let go!" I yelled. I turned around and tried to pull my hair away, but he grabbed my left hand. "Bro! let go!" I yelled. I began to thrash around to get loose, but he started to shove me against one of the sinks.

He put his hand on my forehead with pure force and shoved my head against the mirror.

Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit!

I reached my hands up to his arm and tried pushing him away. I did not want to fight him; I was not in the mood to fight.

Ivan grabbed some of my hair tightly and forced my head to the right. I tried to get his hand off, and he suddenly got closer to me. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. He suddenly shoved his face in the crook of my neck, and I was now terrified. "Shut up, You are a fag, and I will treat you like one," He hissed.

My eyes widened, and I nearly wanted to piss myself, despite already using the restroom. I stopped trying to get his hand off my head and began to push him away. "Get off!" I yelled. However, it sounded more like a cry. He looked me in the eyes and soon forcibly kissed me.

My eyes widened, and I felt sick to my stomach. I still thrashed around and tried to push him away, but he put everything he had against me. I felt myself getting flushed from anger and felt him undoing my shirt. I managed to push him away and was able to take a deep breath in. "BACK OFF!" I yelled.

I clenched my fist, and with everything I had, I punched him in the face.

He looked at me, shocked, and suddenly we heard a loud noise. "GAHHH!" Someone yelled.

My eyes widened, and I took the chance to leave the restroom. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran to the door, unlocking it. I quickly wiped my face, and I saw Matthew on the floor as I turned my head. "MATTHEW!" I yelled. I quickly ran to him and slid onto the floor to help him.

"Oh my god! Your arm is broken; what happened?"I spoke. I felt horrified, and he continued to hold himself.

He began to look at me oddly, looking at my hair, then my face, then my clothes. "More like what happened to you?" He asked.

I Shook his head "bullshit, let me call papa," I spoke. He stopped me and looked serious, "Adnan did this; if you call, we won't be able to keep this a secret," He spoke in pain. Sweat was falling from his forehead, and he held his arm in pain. I looked at him seriously and nodded. "There is no need for that anymore," I said. This was getting out of hand.

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