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"Alright, everyone! Quiet down! We have two new students, all the way from Europe!" The teacher cheered. Matthew and I stood at the front of the class, and everyone stared. "So, go on, tell us about where you are from,"

"My name is Alfred; we are from England," I started. I looked at Matthew to go, and he looked nervous. "My name is Matthew, and we just moved here a week ago," he explained. "Why did you move here?" The teacher asked. Matthew and I froze and looked at each other, unsure if we should say.

"Ah, well..." I started.

I looked to Matthew, who just shrugged. "There was a death in the family, so we moved," Matthew spoke vaguely. "Oh, well, I'm sorry for your loss; I hope you will feel welcome here," the teacher smiled.

"You two can sit in the back; those are the only two left. However, we switch seats every few weeks, so don't get too comfortable," she giggled. We both nodded and went to sit down where she told us to. Matthew and I had the first half of our day together, but toward the end, we didn't. In the last four classes of the day, we would be separate.

I suppose that's good, but I didn't want to be alone. I was sure he felt the same. We were in our English class, and it seemed we were just reading a book.

I felt my phone buzz, and I secretly took it out. I looked at the screen, and it was a message from papa. "How are you?" It read. I laughed silently and nudged Matthew to look at it. "He texted me earlier on the bus; I never answered," Matthew whispered. I shook my head, smiling, and opened up my camera. I snapped a picture of Matthew and sent it to papa.

He was the best parent I could have ever asked for. He and dad are; I'm sure if dad were here, he would be blowing up my phone.

My phone buzzed, and I saw that papa had sent a selfie back. He was such a sweet dad. I know it's okay for us to call him dad, but I'm so used to papa.

When lunch came around, Matthew and I sat together. "I hear the lunch period is thirty minutes, so we have to eat fast," Matthew explained. "What? Whose idea was that? No wonder they are so fat," I laughed. Matthew and I took out the lunch we had brought, and I held my fork to him. "We should talk in French around people we don't like; I don't want people listening to what we say," I laughed.

"That is actually smart, and I feel the same. I can't help shake the feeling that people stare at us all day," Matthew spoke. I nodded, agreeing that he was right. 

"HEY! NEW KID!" Someone spoke. I turned around and saw Ivan standing beside the other guy. I did not recognize him at all. "Honestly, are you obsessed?" I laughed. I looked at Ivan and smirked as I saw how angry he got. "Alfred," Matthew whispered. "If you like me that much, maybe I'll give you a chance if you say please, of course!" I laughed.

"I'M not a fag! Unlike your dads," Ivan hissed.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that! It may seem that someone might be having an identity crisis!" I laughed. "Alfred!" Matthew spoke. Ivan looked pissed. "I'm going to eat now; I'm done with you," I said, annoyed. I turned away from them, and Matthew looked at me, concerned.

"What if he does something to you?" Matthew asked in French. "No, I doubt that...I doubt we would fight, but I'm sure he will be making things hard," I responded back in French. "What are you saying? Speak English!" Ivan hissed. I didn't bother to turn around, but Matthew's expression worried me.

"Oh! My! Watch out!" Matthew spoke. My eyes widened, and I turned around quickly. However, I did not need to worry about Ivan hitting me. He had poured his milk over my head, and my hair became drenched. Many of the students began to start laughing, and Matthew quickly took out his handkerchief for me.

"Are you okay?" Matthew asked. He tried to come to me, but the other guy had grabbed him. "What are you eating? This looks gross!" He laughed. "Oh, our dad cooked it," Matthew responded. He tried to pull away, but that guy began to grip him. "Hey man, leave him alone!" I warned. I stood up, but Ivan stood between us.

"Oh! I like your glasses!" Ivan laughed. He grabbed my glasses off my face and began throwing them in the air. "Hey! Those are expensive!" I yelled. I noticed how that other guy started to shove Matthew's face in his food, and I stopped trying to get my glasses. "Hey! Leave him alone!" I yelled.

I grabbed that guy by his shirt and pulled him off Matthew, tossing him to the side. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried. Matthew nodded his head, and I began to help pick the food out of his hair. "Next time, we won't be so easy," Ivan hissed. What is his deal with us? Because we have gay dads?

Ivan threw my glasses on the floor in front of me, and one of the lenses popped out. "Fantastic!" I spoke. I bent down to pick them up and looked through them. At least I had a spare at home. "I want to go home already," Matthew spoke. "Me too," I whispered. I knew the right thing to do was to tell our papa, but at the same time, I did not want him to worry and feel bad that he had moved us here. He would definitely blame himself for it.

"Well, let's meet after school; good luck with your classes; just text me if anything happens," I smiled. I put my glasses in my bag and began to squint at Matthew. "Yeah, let's get some ice cream; I think we deserve it," he laughed. I nodded in agreement.

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