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Things progressed the opposite of how we thought. Ivan threw everything he had at us. A month into living here, and things suck. Matthew and I have been harassed daily. Our food is being thrown out, or food is being dumped on us. I received aggressive actions whenever I said a witty remark. Matthew was shoved into one of the trash cans the other day, and they threw my backpack over the fence. When I tried to climb over to get it, they grabbed my shoes off my feet and threw them into a puddle of old rainwater.

Like the idiots we are, we haven't said a word. Matthew and I still go to counseling, and today was the day we had our session together. It did not take long, but I didn't care too much.

They just asked us how we were and how papa was. They asked if we were adjusting well and if we had made friends. We both said no to the friend part, despite meeting up with Kiku now and then. I sat beside him in class, so we always had the chance to talk.

With everything going on, I was starting to get frustrated with Ivan and Adnan. I wanted to fight them badly, I know I could do it out of self-defense, but they haven't exactly hit me. Not really, at least...

Tonight, we were all sitting in the living room. Matthew was playing his game, and I was mostly on my phone. Papa was reading a book, but I couldn't see it. I wonder if he has made any friends; I doubt it, though; he comes straight home after work.

Suddenly, his phone began to buzz, and I quickly looked away from him. "Hello?" He spoke.

"Hmm? Right now?...oh, okay then," papa spoke. He began tapping on his phone, and a FaceTime video popped up. "Boys, your uncles want to say hello," papa said.

"Hello, boys! How are you? How is America?" Uncle Dylan cheered. "Hello, everything is nice; when are you visiting?" Matthew asked. "Probably for holiday, love," Uncle Connor suddenly popped his head in. "Or maybe you all can come to visit us soon," Dylan added.

"Francis! When will you bring my nephews!" Uncle Alistair came into the frame, and I began to laugh. "We just moved here," papa laughed. "I miss my dear nephews. You boys aren't causing your dad any trouble, right?" Dylan asked. "Hardly, however, Alfred is always complaining as usual," Matthew teased.

"Alfred, love! You will never find a wife like that!" Connor giggled. I felt my face get hot, and my eyes widened. "What! Why would you say that!" I said, embarrassed. "Oh, not to a wife, but maybe to his new friend!" Matthew teased.

My eyes widened, and I immediately put him into a headlock, covering his mouth. "Shut up! Or I will sell you!" I spoke. Matthew continued to laugh. "What? Who is this person?" Papa spoke.

I froze and looked at my uncles on the phone, being nosy, and at papa, who was shocked. "No one, he is just a friend," I rolled my eyes. "You should bring him over!" Papa cheered.

"Yeah, bring him over, and you can kiss him!" Matthew teased. "Oh, please!" I laughed. He pretended to throw kissy faces at me, and I shoved his face away. "Oh! Before I forget!" Connor began.

"Francis, we found some of Arthur's things in my attic...we thought it would be best if you had them if that is alright with you? We can ship them to you out there," Connor added. Matthew and I stopped messing with each other and looked to papa. "That would be great, and I would love to have them, thank you," papa smiled.

"Great, you can send us the address later, and we will get that done!" Dylan added. "Okay! We must go now! Bye, bye cheerio!" Alistair smiled. They all began to mess with each other, and the phone was disconnected.

"Well, that was splendid," papa started. He started to come closer to me and pulled me in for a hug. "Alfred, Matthew, I wish you both were still babies," papa whined. I let him hold onto me, and he pulled Matthew onto the sofa. "My sweet babies! I love you!" He cheered.

Matthew began to laugh as papa planted kisses on his cheeks. "Alfred, come here!" Papa demanded. I leaned my head to him, and he began to kiss my cheeks. This was normal behavior for him, and he was so affectionate. I didn't mind it; it reminded me of how much he loved us.

"Oh, that reminds me, I decided to join the photography club at school, so this Thursday I will be home late," Matthew started. My eyes widened, and I looked at him, shocked. "What? What will I do?" I asked. "I don't know! Maybe join a club!" Matthew sassed.

I began to pout at him, and I held him. "Mattie, you are so cruel. Don't you even care that I'll be alone?" I asked. I didn't mind being alone, well... not entirely. I just wasn't sure what I would do. "If you want to wait for me, you can. I don't think I want to walk home alone anyway," Matthew laughed.

I felt so happy when he said that.

"Really? You mean it?" I cheered. "Yes, but don't cause a disturbance," he laughed. "No way, Jose!" I laughed. "This will encourage me to look around! I promise!"

"That's amazing! I'm glad you found a club! And I'm glad you will take it seriously. I can't wait to see all the things you both will do," papa cheered. "Make sure to call me on Thursday when you both leave. We both nodded at him and just sat leaning against each other. "I think I could join a sport," I whispered.

They both began to laugh, but I was serious. I want to join a sport. "Well, you are good at baseball; maybe try that?" Papa suggested. Hmmm, he was right. I was pretty good at it. "Maybe I will," I whispered. I was eager to try it out eventually.

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