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"How does that feel?" The doctor asked. "It feels way better!" I laughed. The doctor helped my arm into the sling and began to tighten it. "It looks like your arm is healing well, Matthew; just give it a few more weeks," the doctor smiled. I nodded at him, and I stood up from the medical bed. "Yay! I like this sling on you! It looks hardcore!" Alfred laughed. I rolled my eyes at him, and the doctor smiled at us. "As usual, take it easy, and don't stress out your arm," he warned. "Don't worry; I will make sure he is all good!" Papa cheered.

We all gathered our things and began to head home. "What do you want for dinner?" Papa asked. "Hmm, I could go for some soup; it's been so cold," Alfred shivered. He was right, it was nearly Thanksgiving, and it was freezing. "That reminds me, your uncles, Antonio, Gilbert, and your Aunt will be coming for Thanksgiving. They wanted to be a part of it and offered to help make stuff and give you your Christmas gifts," Papa spoke.

That's when I realized something. "Wait, I thought they were supposed to send that package with dads things?" I spoke. "Oh yeah, they decided to just bring it with them, which is fine with me, so I didn't say anything against it," Papa explained. Oh, I guess that makes sense.

When we pulled up to our house, we noticed that Ivan, Natalya, and Yeka were outside. "Great, I do not want to see them," Alfred whined. "Alfred, be nice!"Papa spoke. He began fixing his hair a little, smiling at me. "We just ignore them, as usual," he started. Alfred and I nodded at him, and we all stepped out of the car simultaneously.

I noticed Yeka look at us and immediately look away. Natalya and Ivan kept glaring at us. I can't believe she doesn't say anything to them. "Come on, boys," Papa whispered.

I noticed a smirk spread on Ivan's face, and I walked closer to Alfred. "Hey!" Ivan called. "Ignore him, "Papa spoke. He started to look for his keys quickly, and I saw Ivan as he began to cross over to our yard.

What the fuck?

"Hey! Fag! I was calling you!" He laughed. "Ivan! Leave them alone already!" Yeka yelled. That did not stop his torment. "Child, please go home; you are on our property," Papa looked at Ivan, annoyed, and Ivan began to laugh.

"Awww, you have your old man protect you both? What a bunch of pussies!" Ivan smirked. Judging by the look on my Papa's face, he wanted to slap this kid but couldn't. "Go home already, and there is no need for you to come over here," Papa spoke.

"Well, my deal is with Alfred! I want to finish what we started the other day!" He demanded. My eyes widened, and I looked to Alfred, who looked annoyed. What did he want to finish? Molesting him? Papa looked at Alfred as if not surprised. He was not an idiot! He saw his hand.

"Buzz off!"

"What? Are you scared? Do you know who else was probably scared? Your fag of a dad when he died in that car accident!" Ivan laughed. My eyes widened, and I looked to Papa, who stepped back. He was also shocked at what Ivan had just said. "The car accident should have killed your other dad and your brother too! They are a waste of oxygen!" Ivan looked at me ugly, and I felt sick. I could see Alfred clench his fists. He was getting angry.

Why was he so set on making Alfred upset?

"Go home, kid!" Papa demanded.

"Or what? Will you turn me gay, too? Your kids are faggots just like you, and you are a shitty parent! I bet your husband was glad he died, and then he could finally get away from you and his annoying kids!" Ivan hissed. I looked at our dad, worried, and I grabbed his arm. "Come on, let's go," I spoke. I looked at Ivan, and he began to glare at me. What was his deal? Did he want Alfred to fight him?

Our Papa looked sad, and I was sure he was starting to feel bad for moving us out here. "Come on, Alfred, it isn't worth it!" I spoke. I began to push both of them toward the door and tried not to look at Ivan. I could feel him glaring at me.

"Oh! There is sweet old Matthew! He doesn't hurt a fly or fight! How pathetic! You are such a kiss-ass! You should die! Is Matthew the sweetest of all? Well, I call bullshit!" Ivan yelled at me. I could feel Papa tense up under my touch. Alfred tried to look back, but I kept pushing them up the steps slowly.

"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Ivan yelled. I suddenly felt him grab my sweater, and I looked at him, horrified. "IVAN! LET HIM GO!" Yeka yelled. She ran to our yard while Papa and Alfred turned around quickly. I gestured for them not to step in. "Let me go!" I demanded.

"Or what? Will you ask nicely? Ugh! I hate that stupid happy attitude of yours! Being the righteous one! Cut the crap already! You are full of shit! I hate looking at your stupid face! Always making sure Alfred stays out of trouble, well, I have something to settle with you too!" He yelled at me.

This guy was crazy!

Ivan suddenly let me go, and I held onto my arm in pain. By now, his sisters had crossed over to our yard. "God, you are fucking crazy..." I whispered under my breath.

"What did you say?" He asked. I stood up straight and shook my head. "Nothing—"

The force of the hit caused me to fall to the floor. He had just punched me in the face!

"MATTHEW!" Papa cried. He ran to me and began to wipe some of the blood falling from my nose.

Did he just hit me right now? In front of my dad and Alfred? He was a psychopath! "Oh my god," I spoke. I felt all the blood rushing out of my nose, staining my clothes. Alfred looked at me with a horrified look.

"That's what you get!" Ivan yelled.

That was it! I was done with all of this!

Alfred looked at me, worried, and I looked back at him seriously. "Alfred! Kick his ass!" I demanded, angry. Our Papa looked at me, shocked, and I watched Alfred clench his fists.

"I've been holding back for their sake, but screw this shit!" Alfred yelled. He took off his jacket and glasses, throwing them at me. Before Ivan could get an intelligent remark, Alfred punched him across the face, and he fell.

"Alfred, don't—"

"Papa, I'm sorry, but this guy deserves it," I interrupted him. He was still helping me stop the nosebleed.

Ivan looked at Alfred, shocked, and he stood up quickly. "Ivan! Don't fight!" His sister called. Ivan started to throw punches, but Alfred would dodge them and hit him in the stomach.

He and Alfred were going at it for a while, and finally, Alfred landed a punch on him that caused Ivan to lose his breath. Alfred stood atop him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "You can say all the shit you want to me! But don't you ever!"

Alfred punched him.


Alfred punched him again.


Alfred punched him again; this time, blood stained his knuckles.


He punched him again.

"Okay, now we gotta step in!" I spoke. Ivan was bleeding badly, and Papa went to pull Alfred off of him. "NO! I AM NOT DONE WITH HIM YET! LET ME AT HIM!" Alfred yelled. Papa pulled him away, and I stood up quickly. Yeka and Natalya ran to Ivan and looked at him, horrified. "Please, we don't want any trouble; let's just forget about all this and not get the police involved!" Yeka approached us, and I went to her.

"That's fine, and we should go; sorry about that..." I spoke and pointed to Ivan. Alfred was still thrashing around, and I watched as they carried Ivan into their home.

I quickly grabbed the keys from my Papa's pocket and promptly unlocked the door. Our Papa pulled Alfred inside and immediately locked the doors.

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